klepto2 Posted November 29, 2009 Share Posted November 29, 2009 File Name: Milkshape GMF Export plugin File Submitter: klepto2 File Submitted: 29 Nov 2009 File Updated: 29 Nov 2009 File Category: Tools and Utilities A small GMF Export plugin for static meshes. It auto collapses surfaces with identical materials into one surface and it autogenerates standard materials if wanted. Installation: Copy both files of the package in your Milkshape root folder and restart Milkshape. Click here to download this file 1 Quote Windows 10 Pro 64-Bit-Version NVIDIA Geforce 1080 TI Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Saoru71 Posted November 29, 2009 Share Posted November 29, 2009 File can't be downloaded. It says it can't be found Quote My signature was so outdated! I don't know if it's even relevant nowadays... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
klepto2 Posted November 29, 2009 Author Share Posted November 29, 2009 hmm, curious. I'm having trouble uploading images and files now. File should work now. thx Quote Windows 10 Pro 64-Bit-Version NVIDIA Geforce 1080 TI Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Saoru71 Posted December 13, 2009 Share Posted December 13, 2009 It's working now, thanks. Quote My signature was so outdated! I don't know if it's even relevant nowadays... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
f13rce Posted December 23, 2009 Share Posted December 23, 2009 Does this include MS' animation with joints etc? Just asking because I need that so bad... Quote Using Leadwerks Professional Edition (Beta), mainly using C++. Windows 10 / Linux Mint, Visual Studio 2017. GPU: NVidia GeForce GTX970, CPU: Intel i7 7700K @ 4.20 GHz Previously known as Evayr. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TylerH Posted December 24, 2009 Share Posted December 24, 2009 I was working on one that supported animation, but I couldn't get the triangles to export properly. I will release my code if anyone wants it. Quote nVidia 530M Intel Core i7 - 2.3Ghz 8GB DDR3 RAM Windows 7 Ultimate (64x)----- Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate Google Chrome Creative Suite 5 FL Studio 10 Office 15 ----- Expert Professional Expert BMX Programmer ----- Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
klepto2 Posted December 25, 2009 Author Share Posted December 25, 2009 TylerH, getting access to your source would be great. Evayr: Unfortunatly this version doesn't support animations. I have a version where animations are exported correctly, but the bone orientation is wrong. I haven't worked out how to fix it, also Josh mentioned that this may be a bug within the GMFSDK. Maybe with the source of TylerH I will be able to solve the problem. Quote Windows 10 Pro 64-Bit-Version NVIDIA Geforce 1080 TI Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TylerH Posted December 26, 2009 Share Posted December 26, 2009 Here is the code: Bones / Animation is the large commented out section. Not sure what state I left this in, but it worked, ish. Major problems, but it didn't crash. #include "stdafx.h" #include "msPlugInImpl.h" #include "msLib.h" #include "gmfsdk.h" BOOL APIENTRY DllMain( HANDLE hModule, DWORD ul_reason_for_call, LPVOID lpReserved ) { switch (ul_reason_for_call) { case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH: case DLL_THREAD_ATTACH: case DLL_THREAD_DETACH: case DLL_PROCESS_DETACH: break; } return TRUE; } cMsPlugIn* CreatePlugIn () { return new cPlugIn (); } cPlugIn::cPlugIn () { strcpy (szTitle, "Leadwerks GMF..."); } cPlugIn::~cPlugIn () { } int cPlugIn::GetType () { return cMsPlugIn::eTypeExport; } const char* cPlugIn::GetTitle () { return szTitle; } int cPlugIn::Execute (msModel *pModel) { if (!pModel) return -1; GMFInitialize(); // // check, if we have something to export // if (msModel_GetMeshCount (pModel) == 0) { ::MessageBox (NULL, "The model is empty! Nothing exported!", "Leadwerks GMF Export", MB_OK | MB_ICONWARNING); return 0; } // // choose filename // OPENFILENAME ofn; memset (&ofn, 0, sizeof (OPENFILENAME)); char szFile[MS_MAX_PATH]; char szFileTitle[MS_MAX_PATH]; char szDefExt[32] = "gmf"; char szFilter[128] = "GMF Files (*.gmf)\0*.gmf\0All Files (*.*)\0*.*\0\0"; szFile[0] = '\0'; szFileTitle[0] = '\0'; ofn.lStructSize = sizeof (OPENFILENAME); ofn.lpstrDefExt = szDefExt; ofn.lpstrFilter = szFilter; ofn.lpstrFile = szFile; ofn.nMaxFile = MS_MAX_PATH; ofn.lpstrFileTitle = szFileTitle; ofn.nMaxFileTitle = MS_MAX_PATH; ofn.Flags = OFN_HIDEREADONLY | OFN_OVERWRITEPROMPT | OFN_PATHMUSTEXIST; ofn.lpstrTitle = "Export GMF"; if (!::GetSaveFileName (&ofn)) return 0; TGMFMesh mesh; TGMFSurface surface; //Create the root mesh mesh = GMFMeshCreate(NULL); msVec3 pPosition, pRotation; msModel_GetPosition(pModel, pPosition); msModel_GetRotation(pModel, pRotation); GMFEntitySetPositionRotationScale(mesh, pPosition[0], pPosition[1], pPosition[2], pRotation[0], pRotation[1], pRotation[2], 1, 1, 1); int i, j, k, l, m, n; /*/////////// // BONES // /////////// TGMFBone bones[128]; // Bones for (i = 0; i < msModel_GetBoneCount (pModel); i++) { msBone *pBone = msModel_GetBoneAt (pModel, i); char szName[64]; char szParentName[64]; // Bone Name msBone_GetName (pBone, szName, MS_MAX_NAME); if (strlen(szName) == 0) strcpy(szName, " "); // Bone Parent Name msBone_GetParentName (pBone, szParentName, MS_MAX_NAME); // Bone Position and Rotation msVec3 Position, Rotation; msBone_GetPosition (pBone, Position); msBone_GetRotation (pBone, Rotation); // Check for parent bone int nParentBoneIndex = msModel_FindBoneByName(pModel, szParentName); msBone *pParentBone = msModel_GetBoneAt(pModel, nParentBoneIndex); //I has an idea hmmmm its -1 i.e. no parent, hence the >= 0 ah, i thought 0 was root..phail // Create Leadwerks Bone (Parented to mesh if a root bone, else parented to parent bone) if (nParentBoneIndex >= 0) { bones[i] = GMFBoneCreate(bones[nParentBoneIndex]); } else { bones[i] = GMFBoneCreate(mesh); } // Set bone position and rotation GMFEntitySetPositionRotationScale(bones[i], Position[0], Position[1], Position[2], Rotation[0], Rotation[1], Rotation[2]); // Set bone name GMFNodeSetProperty(bones[i],"name",szName); GMFNodeSetProperty(bones[i],"parentname",szParentName); // Iterate all of the bone's position keys for (j = 0; j < msBone_GetPositionKeyCount (pBone); j++) { // Get position key msPositionKey *pKey = msBone_GetPositionKeyAt (pBone, j); // Add position key to the bone entity GMFEntityAddPositionKey(bones[i], pKey->Position[0], pKey->Position[1], pKey->Position[2], pKey->fTime); } // Iterate all of bone's rotation keys for (j = 0; j < msBone_GetRotationKeyCount (pBone); j++) { // Get rotation key msRotationKey *pKey = msBone_GetRotationKeyAt (pBone, j); // Add rotation key to the bone entity GMFEntityAddRotationKey(bones[i], pKey->Rotation[0], pKey->Rotation[1], pKey->Rotation[2], pKey->fTime); } }*/ ////////////// // SURFACES // ////////////// // Loop through all meshes (a MS3D mesh is a Leadwerks Surface) for (i = 0; i < msModel_GetMeshCount (pModel); i++) { // Grab the mesh msMesh *pMesh = msModel_GetMeshAt (pModel, i); char szName[64]; msMesh_GetName (pMesh, szName, 64); //Add a surface surface = GMFMeshAddSurface(mesh); // Set the surface name to the mesh name //GMFNodeSetProperty(surface,"name",szName); // Get material index int nMatIndex = msMesh_GetMaterialIndex (pMesh); /////////////// // TRIANGLES // /////////////// // Iterate all triangles in the current mesh/surface for (j = 0; j < msMesh_GetTriangleCount (pMesh); j++) { // Get a triangle per iteration msTriangle *pTriangle = msMesh_GetTriangleAt (pMesh, j); word nIndices[3]; word nNormalIndices[3]; // Get vertex indices of the current triangle msTriangle_GetVertexIndices (pTriangle, nIndices); // Get normal indices of the current triangle msTriangle_GetNormalIndices(pTriangle, nNormalIndices); // Get 3 vertices + normals per triangle msVertex *pVertex; msVec3 Vertex; msVec3 Normal; msVec2 uv; ////////////// // VERTICES // ////////////// unsigned short v1,v2,v3; v1 = v2 = v3 = 0; // Vertex 1 from the 1st index pVertex = msMesh_GetVertexAt(pMesh, nIndices[0]); // Get vertex msMesh_GetVertexNormalAt(pMesh, nNormalIndices[0], Normal); msVertex_GetVertex (pVertex, Vertex); msVertex_GetTexCoords (pVertex, uv); // The surface should be full of vertices, normals, UVs, colors, etc. stuff... // Because of this call v1 = GMFSurfaceFindVertex(surface, Vertex[0], // X Vertex[1], // Y Vertex[2], // Z Normal[0], // Normal X Normal[1], // Normal Y Normal[2], // Normal Z uv[0], // U0 Texture Coordinate uv[1]//, // V0 Texture Coordinate //uv[0], // U1 Texture Coordinate //uv[1], // V1 Texture Coordinate //255, // Vertex Color Red //255, // Vertex Color Green //255, // Vertex Color Blue //255 // Vertex Color Alpha ); // Vertex 2 from the 2nd index pVertex = msMesh_GetVertexAt(pMesh, nIndices[1]); // Get vertex msMesh_GetVertexNormalAt(pMesh, nNormalIndices[1], Normal); msVertex_GetVertex (pVertex, Vertex); msVertex_GetTexCoords (pVertex, uv); // The surface should be full of vertices, normals, UVs, colors, etc. stuff... // Because of this call v2 = GMFSurfaceFindVertex(surface, Vertex[0], // X Vertex[1], // Y Vertex[2], // Z Normal[0], // Normal X Normal[1], // Normal Y Normal[2], // Normal Z uv[0], // U0 Texture Coordinate uv[1]//, // V0 Texture Coordinate //uv[0], // U1 Texture Coordinate //uv[1], // V1 Texture Coordinate //255, // Vertex Color Red //255, // Vertex Color Green //255, // Vertex Color Blue //255 // Vertex Color Alpha ); // Vertex 3 pVertex = msMesh_GetVertexAt(pMesh, nIndices[2]); // Get vertex msMesh_GetVertexNormalAt(pMesh, nNormalIndices[2], Normal); msVertex_GetVertex (pVertex, Vertex); msVertex_GetTexCoords (pVertex, uv); // The surface should be full of vertices, normals, UVs, colors, etc. stuff... // Because of this call v3 = GMFSurfaceFindVertex(surface, Vertex[0], // X Vertex[1], // Y Vertex[2], // Z Normal[0], // Normal X Normal[1], // Normal Y Normal[2], // Normal Z uv[0], // U0 Texture Coordinate uv[1]//, // V0 Texture Coordinate //uv[0], // U1 Texture Coordinate //uv[1], // V1 Texture Coordinate //255, // Vertex Color Red //255, // Vertex Color Green //255, // Vertex Color Blue //255 // Vertex Color Alpha ); //GMFSurfaceAddTriangle(surface, nIndices[0], nIndices[2], nIndices[1]); GMFSurfaceAddTriangle(surface, v1, v2, v3); } ////////////// // MATERIAL // ////////////// //brb fixing a desktop comp. msMaterial *pMaterial = msModel_GetMaterialAt(pModel, nMatIndex); char szDiffuseTexture[64]; msMaterial_GetDiffuseTexture(pMaterial, szDiffuseTexture, 64); // Set surface material to the mesh material GMFNodeSetProperty( surface, "material", szDiffuseTexture ); /*////////////////////// // BONE ATTACHMENTS // ////////////////////// // Vertex Bone Indices / Bone Weights for (j = 0; j < msMesh_GetVertexCount (pMesh); j++) // Thanks to Christian for being a beast. { // Vertex Ex structure msVertexEx *pVertexEx; // Grab vertex bone indices and bone weights pVertexEx = msMesh_GetVertexExAt(pMesh, j); // Loop through the 3 possible bones, attach vertices to the Leadwerks Bones on the surface for (k = 0; k < 3; k++) { int nBoneIndex = pVertexEx->nBoneIndices[k]; byte nBoneWeight = pVertexEx->nBoneWeights[k]; if (nBoneIndex >= 0 && bones[nBoneIndex] != NULL && nBoneWeight != -1) GMFSurfaceAttachVertex(surface, j, bones[nBoneIndex], (float)nBoneWeight); } }*/ ////////////////////////// // TANGENTS & BINORMALS // ////////////////////////// // Calculate binormals and tangents for the surface GMFSurfaceCalculateBinormalsAndTangents(surface); } /////////////// // SAVE FILE // /////////////// GMFMeshSaveFile(mesh, szFile); // dont' forget to destroy the model msModel_Destroy (pModel); GMFTerminate(); return 0; } Quote nVidia 530M Intel Core i7 - 2.3Ghz 8GB DDR3 RAM Windows 7 Ultimate (64x)----- Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate Google Chrome Creative Suite 5 FL Studio 10 Office 15 ----- Expert Professional Expert BMX Programmer ----- Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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