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All Zombies must Die!


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Most Recent Footage: 5/27/10


First gameplay video: 5/9/10


A zombie game I am developing, your goal is to kill zombies and collect cash in order to purchase weapons so you can kill even more zombies to make even more cash.


3 different types of zombies from slow to fast...


5 different types of weapons from assault rifles to grenades


10 different stages..

Working on a major RPG project.......will showcase soon.



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Yo Rick, long time no see bro.


It will be a 3rd person shooter with a camera that will be sort of at an angle, sort of in between a top-down and behind cam, if that makes any sense..? :)

Working on a major RPG project.......will showcase soon.



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Something like old Resident Evil games right? Anyway from what I saw in the little movie this is what I understand.


Placing the camera in some position helps a lot to create some kind of atmosphere depending of your game type. I saw this on TV in some kind of "Movie Maker" show.

i5 2.7Ghz, GTS 450, 8GB Ram, Win7 x64; Win8 x64

rvlgames.com - my games

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Blitzmax :)

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  On 4/24/2010 at 8:36 AM, RVL said:

Something like old Resident Evil games right? Anyway from what I saw in the little movie this is what I understand.


Yea but very very action oriented, sort of like Metal Slug, just straigt action from start to finish in order to stay alive lol. Assault Rifle ammo is very limited btw.



Placing the camera in some position helps a lot to create some kind of atmosphere depending of your game type. I saw this on TV in some kind of "Movie Maker" show.


Thats awsome, what was the name of the show?



Awww, they just want a hug!


lol well they can hug on these grenades

Working on a major RPG project.......will showcase soon.



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  On 4/29/2010 at 7:56 AM, RVL said:

I do not know the name of the show. Was looooong time ago :) (5-6 years)


Oh man bummer, if you happen to find it out, let me know...

Working on a major RPG project.......will showcase soon.



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  On 4/30/2010 at 12:02 PM, Rick said:

Just saw Zombieland last night. Love zombie movies & games. Just something about the idea of if you would survive a zombie attack or not is so enticing. :)



Yea I just saw it for the first time not to long ago as well, funny movie lol..

Working on a major RPG project.......will showcase soon.



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took some time away from the art assets to implement weapon spawning and random zombie spawning functionality...


Once I attach the proper meshes to the player and NPC's. The zombies will come out of the grown and then begin to chase the player rather than pop into the scene at an instant...



Working on a major RPG project.......will showcase soon.



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Nice. That'll be some scary stuff right there. I like it! Zombie games are freaky.

Yea I am shooting to make the game really intense and action packed, trying to build a high-fun factor for the game.



I have a little update on another weapon I implemented in the game.

Working on a major RPG project.......will showcase soon.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Another update...



You must stay alive while trying to collect as many coins as possible for the highest score.


In this video I chose not to allow the players health to decrease because I would have probably died lol. I wanted to focus on showing how the game plays so far.


The core gameplay is almost complete then I will be adding particles, animations, better GUI and artwork, this is where the game will start to shine.

Working on a major RPG project.......will showcase soon.



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Gameplay Question: for rotating the player are you using the mouse or the keyboard?


The mouse..


Very cool man! You are coming along nicely with this. Keep it up.


Hey thanks Rick!! How is everything going on your end?


yea looks AWESOME


Thanks Pancakes!


dum duh duuh


da-de de de de de-de-de-de


dum duh duuh


da-de de de de de-de-de-de


pow pow pow


KABOOM!!(grenade launcher)

Working on a major RPG project.......will showcase soon.



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  • 2 weeks later...

any updates?


AC3D | 3D Canvas(pro) | Texture Maker(pro) | Genetica(basic) | 3D World Studio | Fragmotion |Leadwerks 2 | XNA 4 | Visual Studio 2010 Professional | XCode 5.x |UU3D Pro


Programing & Scripting Languages:

C |C++ | C# | Obj-C | LUA | Javascript | PHP | Ruby

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  • 4 weeks later...

Here is a video that I made earlier in the month showcasing about 60% of the game progress, forgot to post it.

I will make a brand new one soon that showcases the other levels, weapons, the new 2d UI, and enemy types.


In one of the levels, which is a marshy area, I have certain areas of the map where the player slows down if he gets caught in mud etc. A forest where broken tree logs are in the way which makes it harder to survive as your score increases etc.




New video soon

Working on a major RPG project.......will showcase soon.



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Guest Red Ocktober

i dunno... that don't look like it was done in Leadwerks to me...


looks more like a 3DRAD game...




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It appears you are using a point light with an enormous range and shadowmap size. This is probably the slowest and most wasteful light you could make, and it results in your objects casting shadows at different angles.. You should use a directional light.


This tutorial will help you with those flickering torch lights:


My job is to make tools you love, with the features you want, and performance you can't live without.

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  On 6/27/2010 at 8:28 PM, Josh said:

It appears you are using a point light with an enormous range and shadowmap size. This is probably the slowest and most wasteful light you could make, and it results in your objects casting shadows at different angles.. You should use a directional light.


This tutorial will help you with those flickering torch lights:



There is no realtime shadow casting...


light flicker is to compliment the continuous change of lightrange as fire blows through the wind, the size of the omni is actually different from what you currently see.

Working on a major RPG project.......will showcase soon.



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