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Naughty Alien

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..after submitting closed demo to publisher, i was asked to do some changes over few things exposed in demo...good thing is that corrections to be made, are something i was expecting, and nothing more than my expectation, so i guess its good..anyway, almost all of them use to be related to character look /4 in total/ ( i admit, some of characters are ugly, but since i never had enough time, and there were plenty of characters, so i simply didnt do it at that time, and i havent had necessary tools 2 years back)..anyway, here is my 'touch up' over first out of 4 characters necessary to 'fix'..this time i brought it up on to entirely different level...I was also very happy to see big interest about my lipsync module since it really does work very well, so i cant wait to rig back just finished Corona, one of main figures in game..I hope you like her..shes hot now :)













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nice model Naughty Alien :)

I think she is little Barby! (specially in side view)

and can you tell me more about your lipsync system?

Omid Saadat

OD Arts Blog


AMD Phenom II X4 940 - Geforce 8800GTS - 4GB RAM - XP x86

AMD 6000+ - Geforce 9800 GT - 2GB RAM - XP x86 (Home pc)

Intel Core i7 - Geforce 310M - 4GB Ram - Win7 x64 (Laptop)

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hey Omid..thank you for kind comments ;) well..lipsync system is basically used to control and keep character voice in sync with animation and provided sound and animated accordingly, regardless of frame rate (very important for voice use in games!)..so, animator doesnt have to animate mouth and there is few predetermined facial expressions i have included based on my game needs, what module can automatically set inside cut scenes (ill capture some cut scenes and show how it works, hopefully)..there are specific rules to follow during facial rigging of character(using bones for facial animation), and because of bones nature, it has some limitations, but in most of cases, works very very well..as i have requested many times..I wish LE has morphing targets support..with that, will be possible to do incredible things, automatic facial animation wise..but im happy what is it right now..it can be improoved more, but its ok..maybe later...:)


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wow! it should be amazing to see what did you do!

I wish we had morph too. because I can deeply feel what do you mean by "doing incredible things"!

Omid Saadat

OD Arts Blog


AMD Phenom II X4 940 - Geforce 8800GTS - 4GB RAM - XP x86

AMD 6000+ - Geforce 9800 GT - 2GB RAM - XP x86 (Home pc)

Intel Core i7 - Geforce 310M - 4GB Ram - Win7 x64 (Laptop)

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That's a really nice model. Looking forward to finally seeing some video of you game when you are in a position to release something. Maybe we might have to wait for the publisher to show us something ... I don't know!


A quick question NA, did you convince a publisher to take this on after starting work on it or had you already got a publishing deal in place?

Intel Core i5 2.66 GHz, Asus P7P55D, 8Gb DDR3 RAM, GTX460 1Gb DDR5, Windows 7 (x64), LE Editor, GMax, 3DWS, UU3D Pro, Texture Maker Pro, Shader Map Pro. Development language: C/C++

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..hi Pixel Perfect..


..i have actually quite a lot of things to show, however, im obliged with NDA that i cant show anything before consulting publisher, that including screens..publisher wise..huh..it was a long path for me..i have had few GDC behind , meet people, talk, show this or that..it was hard when i started because i had nothing to show but some drawings, no proper business plan, nothing..so i was sort of a 'joke' for people i have had met..but its okay..to make it short, I have been 'noticed' after my work was in progress at some stage, and it was during time i have used my Horde3D wrapper for Bmax..main problem was fact that 'big guns' doesnt pay much attention when you are small and no name..only if you persist and keep pooping up on those GDC's and getting contacts, things start moving..unless you have some really hot stuff in hands, already done..i dont know..maybe my path was wrong, but that how it went with me..


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Thanks for the insight NA. Looks like your talent and perseverance has paid off. Good luck with the completion of the project. Nice to see someone managing to overcome all the obstacles and get a publisher onboard. Will be watching with interest.

Intel Core i5 2.66 GHz, Asus P7P55D, 8Gb DDR3 RAM, GTX460 1Gb DDR5, Windows 7 (x64), LE Editor, GMax, 3DWS, UU3D Pro, Texture Maker Pro, Shader Map Pro. Development language: C/C++

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Guest Red Ocktober

those models are exquisite!!!


all the best getting the game published...


hey... what "engine are you using to demo to the publisher... if you can say..."



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..hi guys..thank you for kind wish, i appreciate that .. time will tell very soon, am I successful or not..as for an engine..rendering solution used is LE of course..and LE will remain as a final rendering solution for this game on PC..for future, i dont know, since its depending on direction Josh will take actually, but most probably its going to be Phyre since im alsmost finished with wrapping it for Bmax(PC), however my 2nd game, almost finished regarding drawing and script wise, is also going to be rigged with LE (point and click adventure) but about that later :lol:


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I implemented a shader that handled morph targets, but no one had any good-looking models to test with it, and there didn't seem to be much interest, so I didn't continue. It's actually really simple to store the data in a float texture and look it up in a vertex shader.

My job is to make tools you love, with the features you want, and performance you can't live without.

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