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[4.6 Beta + VR] Unable to hide VR models.


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I believe I should be able to access the models like any other models according to the API reference., but it doesn't seem to be the case. I've ran into issues previously (A while ago) with setting a different material to the controllers. I was getting a hard crash.


By default a visual representation of the user's VR hardware will be displayed. If you want to replace the controllers with weapons or other items, simply hide the controller models.


This function was being called with my UpdateWorld function. Also if you removethe p.second != nil condition, the app will crash also.

// Purpose:
void AVRPlayer::UpdateControllers()
	if (VR::GetControllerModel(VR::Left) != nil)
		if (m_bControllerLeft == false)
			DMsg("VR: Registered left controller..");
			m_bControllerLeft = true;

	if (VR::GetControllerModel(VR::Right) != nil)
		if (m_bControllerRight == false)
			DMsg("VR: Registered right controller..");
			m_bControllerRight = true;


	for (auto& p : VR::devicemodel)
		if (p.second != nil)


Cyclone - Ultra Game System - Component PreprocessorTex2TGA - Darkness Awaits Template (Leadwerks)

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This was a brute Force test I did before I called it a night. You can move the hide commands with the condition scopes.

Regardless, still unable to access the VR stuff like traditional models.

Cyclone - Ultra Game System - Component PreprocessorTex2TGA - Darkness Awaits Template (Leadwerks)

If you like my work, consider supporting me on Patreon!

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