Daemoc Posted June 20, 2019 Share Posted June 20, 2019 Ok, stupid question time. There are going to be a lot of these stupid questions for a while. I can read and do math, but that’s where my knowledge of code ends. 1: First and foremost, should I make a new thread for each stupid question or should I just keep them all under the same topic? 2: Now for the first stupid question. I have a nice library of animations to drive a character mesh and it is only going to get bigger. A lot bigger. I thought I had the animation calls all worked out, but I ran into an issue last night. I have eight directional animations, (16 w/sprint, 32 w/pistol, 48 w/rifle, etc.), and I can only get the first 6 to work. Any animation call after the 6th just does not seem to work. It is not the code itself as all of the calls work if they are in the first 6 operations, I think it has more to do with the lack of coding knowledge and relying on the different examples of code I have seen and replicated. The calls I am using are probably not meant to be used with so many variables. Here is some example code with extreme shorthand, but the idea is there… (I am at work, I do not have access to the real code at the moment.) if KeyDown(Key.W) then PlayAnimation(“^”,0.02,100,0) end if KeyDown(Key.W) and KeyDown(Key.D) then PlayAnimation(“^>”,0.02,100,0) end if KeyDown(Key.W) and KeyDown(Key.A) then PlayAnimation(“^<”,0.02,100,0) end if KeyDown(Key.D) then PlayAnimation(“>”,0.02,100,0) end if KeyDown(Key.A) then PlayAnimation(“<”,0.02,100,0) end if KeyDown(Key.S) then PlayAnimation(“v”,0.02,100,0) end if KeyDown(Key.S) and KeyDown(Key.D) then PlayAnimation(“v>”,0.02,100,0) end if KeyDown(Key.S) and KeyDown(Key.A) then PlayAnimation(“v<”,0.02,100,0) end This works, but for the first 6 operations. They all work on their own, and in the first 6, but after that it breaks. Also, This is just walk. I actually have the run animations in the code as well with "if shift run else walk" attached to each. Those seem to work just as the above walks. But again, only the first 6. After that they break and refuse to play. I know I am doing it wrong, I just don’t know how to do it right. Any tips would be appreciated. This is just the tip of the iceberg, I have plenty more questions inbound, but one thing at a time. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
gamecreator Posted June 20, 2019 Share Posted June 20, 2019 I don't know Lua but it looks like you might sometimes trigger more than one PlayAnimation function per frame. Meaning, if you hold down both the W and D keys, the first if statement will be true and it will trigger that PlayAnimation AND the next if statement will also be true and will trigger its respective PlayAnimation. So I think you'd be blending two animations together. Look into using elseif statements. Something like this (again, I don't know Lua but this seems like it could work): if KeyDown(Key.W) and KeyDown(Key.D) then PlayAnimation(“^>”,0.02,100,0) elseif KeyDown(Key.W) and KeyDown(Key.A) then PlayAnimation(“^<”,0.02,100,0) elseif KeyDown(Key.W) PlayAnimation(“^”,0.02,100,0) end As for posting, if you have several questions at once, you probably want to use a single post for it. If it's two or three that are unrelated topics, you may want to split them up. But I'm not the Leadwerks police; that's just my preference. Ideally you also search the forums first and you might find something that already covers your question and you can just continue the conversation in that thread. That will help for anyone searching the forums for the same issue so they don't have to open 10 different threads to find their answer. 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Yue Posted June 20, 2019 Share Posted June 20, 2019 Here Perfect. --################################################ --## Proyecto : Pawn. --## Sitio Web : https://www.iris3dgames.xyz --## Fichero : Player.lua --## Scripter : Yue Rexie. --################################################ --## Notas : Fichero Clase Player. --## Objetos Player son creados. --################################################ Player={} function Player:New(pick,hud) local this={} this.pivotPlayer = nil this.pivotCamera = nil this.cameraPlayer = nil this.player = nil this.pos = Vec3() this.vel = 0 this.rot = 0 this.pickInfo = 0 this.colGroundRay = false this.forceJump = 0 -- Animations. this.idle = "Idle" this.idleBox = "IdleBox" this.walk = "Walk" this.run = "Run" this.walkBox = "WalkBox" this.runBox = "RunBox" this.jump = "Jump" this.dead = "Dead" this.falling = "Falling" this.fallingB = "FallingBox" this.kick = "Kick" this.energyOff = "EnergyOff" this.animation = nil this.velAnim = 0.03 this.typeAnim = 0 this.blend = 100 this.energyOut = 0.001 this.energyRun = 0 this.energyWalk = 0 this.soundWalk = nil this.channelWalk = nil this.pitch = nil this.soundWind = nil this.channelWind = nil this.soundMusic = nil this.channelMusic = nil function this:StartCameraOrbit(player,pivotPlayer, pivotCamera, cameraPlayer) self.player = player self.pivotPlayer = pivotPlayer self.pivotCamera = pivotCamera self.cameraPlayer = cameraPlayer self.pivotCamera:SetParent(self.pivotPlayer,true) self.cameraPlayer:SetRange(0.01,1000) self.player:SetPickMode(0) self:InitSoundWalk() --self:InitSoundAmbient() end function this:InitSoundAmbient() self.soundWind = Sound:Load("Sound/Ambient/Viento.wav") self.channelWind = Source:Create() self.channelWind:SetSound(self.soundWind) self.soundWind:Release() self.channelWind:SetVolume(0.2) self.channelWind:SetLoopMode(true) self.channelWind:Play() self.soundMusic = Sound:Load("Sound/Ambient/airtone_nightRain.wav") self.channelMusic = Source:Create() self.channelMusic:SetSound(self.soundMusic) self.soundMusic:Release() self.channelMusic:SetVolume(0.3) self.channelMusic:SetLoopMode(true) self.channelMusic:Play() end function this:InitSoundWalk() self.soundWalk = Sound:Load("Sound/Player/footstep.wav") self.channelWalk = Source:Create() self.channelWalk:SetSound(self.soundWalk) self.soundWalk:Release() self.channelWalk:SetLoopMode(true) self.channelWalk:SetVolume(1) self.channelWalk:Play() self.channelWalk:Pause() self.pitch = self.channelWalk:GetPitch() end function this:Update() self:UpdateCameraOrbit() self:UpdateMovent() self:Jump() self:ColRayCamera() self:Animations() end function this:UpdateSounds() if self.colGroundRay == true then if Window:GetCurrent():KeyHit(Key.Shift) then self.channelWalk:SetPitch(self.channelWalk:GetPitch()*2) end if Window:GetCurrent():KeyDown(Key.Shift) == false then self.channelWalk:SetPitch(self.pitch) end if Window:GetCurrent():KeyHit(Key.W) or Window:GetCurrent():KeyHit(Key.S) then self.channelWalk:Resume() end if Window:GetCurrent():KeyDown(Key.W)==false and Window:GetCurrent():KeyDown(Key.S)==false then self.channelWalk:Pause() else self.channelWalk:Resume() end end end function this:UpdateCameraOrbit() if menuVisible == 1 then self.sx = Math:Round(Context:GetCurrent():GetWidth()/2) self.sy = Math:Round(Context:GetCurrent():GetHeight()/2) self.posMouse = Window:GetCurrent():GetMousePosition() Window:GetCurrent():SetMousePosition( self.sx, self.sy ) self.dx = self.posMouse.x - self.sx self.dy = self.posMouse.y - self.sy self.rotacion = self.pivotPlayer:GetRotation() if self.rotacion.x >= 60 then self.rotacion.x = 60 elseif self.rotacion.x <= -45 then self.rotacion.x = -45 end self.rotacion.y = self.rotacion.y + self.dx / 50.0 / Time:GetSpeed() self.rotacion.x = self.rotacion.x + self.dy / 50.0 / Time:GetSpeed() --## Rotate Pivot Player. self.pivotPlayer:SetRotation(self.rotacion, true ) end end --## Movent Player. function this:UpdateMovent() self:UpdatePosPivotPlayer() self.velAnim = 0.03 hud.energy = self.energyOut self.energyOut = 0.001 if Window:GetCurrent():KeyDown(Key.W) then self.energyOut = self.energyWalk self:RunPlayer() if hud.posEnergy < 180.0 then self.rot = self.pivotPlayer:GetRotation(false).y end elseif Window:GetCurrent():KeyDown(Key.S) then self.energyOut = self.energyWalk self:RunPlayer() if hud.posEnergy < 180.0 then self.rot = self.pivotPlayer:GetRotation(false).y -180 end else self.vel = 0 end if Window:GetCurrent():KeyDown(Key.W) or Window:GetCurrent():KeyDown(Key.S) then if pick.itemBox == false then self.animation = self.walk else self.animation = self.walkBox end if Window:GetCurrent():KeyDown(Key.Shift) then if pick.itemBox == true then self.animation = self.runBox else self.animation = self.run end end else if pick.itemBox == false then self.animation = self.idle else self.animation = self.idleBox end end if Window:GetCurrent():KeyDown(Key.E) then --if pick.itemBox == false then self.typeAnim = 0 self.animation = self.kick --end end if hud.posEnergy < 180 then else self.vel = 0 end self.player:SetInput(self.rot,self.vel, 0, self.forceJump,false, 1.0, 0.5, true, 0) end function this:UpdatePosPivotPlayer() self.pivotPlayer:SetPosition(self.player:GetPosition().x,self.player:GetPosition().y+1.7,self.player:GetPosition().z) end function this:RunPlayer() self.velAnim = 0.03 self.vel = 1.5 if Window:GetCurrent():KeyDown(Key.Shift) then self.vel = 3.5 self.energyOut = self.energyRun self.velAnim = 0.05 end end function this:Jump() self.forceJump = 0.0 if self:GetColRay() == true then --System:Print(self.pickInfo.position) self.pos = self.pickInfo.position self.typeAnim = 0 self:UpdateSounds() --self.animation = self.idle else self.typeAnim = 1 if pick.itemBox == false then self.animation = self.falling else self.animation = self.fallingB end self.channelWalk:Pause() if self.player:GetPosition().y < self.pos.y - 25 then self.player:SetPosition(self.pos.x,self.pos.y+5,self.pos.z) end end --self.typeAnim = 0 --## Jump. if Window:GetCurrent():KeyHit(Key.Space) == true then if self:GetColRay() == true then self.animation = self.jump self.typeAnim = 1 self.velAnim = 0.5 --self.forceJump = 7.0 end end end function this:GetColRay() self.pickInfo = PickInfo() self.colGroundRay = World:GetCurrent():Pick(Vec3(self.player:GetPosition(true).x, self.player:GetPosition(true).y+0.1, self.player:GetPosition(true).z), Vec3(self.player:GetPosition(true).x, self.player:GetPosition(true).y-0.5, self.player:GetPosition(true).z),self.pickInfo, 0.001 ) --self.posBone1 = self.player:FindChild("Rayo"):GetPosition(true) --self.colGroundRay = World:GetCurrent():Pick(self.posBone1.x,self.posBone1.y+0.2,self.posBone1.z, self.posBone1.x,self.posBone1.y-0.2, self.posBone1.z, self.pickInfo,0,true,0) --System:Print(self.player:GetCollisionType()) return self.colGroundRay end function this:ColRayCamera() self.posPivotPlayer = self.pivotPlayer:GetPosition(true) self.posPivotCamera = self.pivotCamera:GetPosition(true) self.pickInfoRayCamera = PickInfo() self.GetColRayCamera = World:GetCurrent():Pick( self.posPivotPlayer, self.posPivotCamera,self.pickInfoRayCamera,0,true ) self.cameraPlayer:SetRotation(self.pivotCamera:GetRotation(true)) if self.GetColRayCamera then self.cameraPlayer:SetPosition(self.pickInfoRayCamera.position.x+(self.pickInfoRayCamera.normal.x/12),self.pickInfoRayCamera.position.y+(self.pickInfoRayCamera.normal.y/12.0),self.pickInfoRayCamera.position.z+(self.pickInfoRayCamera.normal.z/12.0),false) else self.cameraPlayer:SetRotation(self.pivotPlayer:GetRotation(true)) self.cameraPlayer:SetPosition(self.pivotCamera:GetPosition(true)) end end --## Animation Player. function this:Animations() if hud.posEnergy < 180.0 then else self.animation = self.dead end self.player:PlayAnimation(self.animation, self.velAnim,self.blend,self.typeAnim ) end return this end 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Daemoc Posted June 20, 2019 Author Share Posted June 20, 2019 @gamecreator That almost did it, here is what I have now... --Idle if self.entity:GetAirborne()==false then newmode = "idle" self.entity:PlayAnimation("idle_civ",0.05) self.entity:Stop() end --Jump if self.entity:GetAirborne()==false and window:KeyDown(Key.Space) then newmode = "jump" self.entity:PlayAnimation("jump_civ",0.01,0,1) end --Falling if self.entity:GetAirborne()==true then newmode = "drop" self.entity:PlayAnimation("drop_civ",0.05) self.entity:Stop() end --Forward Motion if self.entity:GetAirborne()==false and window:KeyDown(Key.W) then if window:KeyDown(Key.Shift) and window:KeyDown(Key.D) then newmode = "fr_run" self.entity:PlayAnimation("fr_jog_civ",0.03,100) elseif window:KeyDown(Key.Shift) and window:KeyDown(Key.A) then newmode = "fl_run" self.entity:PlayAnimation("fl_jog_civ",0.03,100) elseif window:KeyDown(Key.Shift) then newmode = "f_run" self.entity:PlayAnimation("f_jog_civ",0.03,100) elseif window:KeyDown(Key.D) then newmode = "fr_walk" self.entity:PlayAnimation("fr_walk_civ",0.02,100) elseif window:KeyDown(Key.A) then newmode = "fl_walk" self.entity:PlayAnimation("fl_walk_civ",0.02,100) else newmode = "f_walk" self.entity:PlayAnimation("f_walk_civ",0.02,100) end end --Rearward Motion if self.entity:GetAirborne()==false and window:KeyDown(Key.S) then if window:KeyDown(Key.Shift) and window:KeyDown(Key.D) then newmode = "rr_run" self.entity:PlayAnimation("rr_jog_civ",0.03,100) elseif window:KeyDown(Key.Shift) and window:KeyDown(Key.A) then newmode = "rl_run" self.entity:PlayAnimation("rl_jog_civ",0.03,100) elseif window:KeyDown(Key.Shift) then newmode = "r_run" self.entity:PlayAnimation("r_jog_civ",0.03,100) elseif window:KeyDown(Key.D) then newmode = "rr_walk" self.entity:PlayAnimation("rr_walk_civ",0.02,100) elseif window:KeyDown(Key.A) then newmode = "rl_walk" self.entity:PlayAnimation("rl_walk_civ",0.02,100) else newmode = "r_walk" self.entity:PlayAnimation("r_walk_civ",0.02,100) end end --Rightward Motion if self.entity:GetAirborne()==false and window:KeyDown(Key.D) then if window:KeyDown(Key.Shift) then newmode = "sr_run" self.entity:PlayAnimation("sr_jog_civ",0.03,100) else newmode = "sr_walk" self.entity:PlayAnimation("sr_walk_civ",0.02,100) end end --Leftward Motion if self.entity:GetAirborne()==false and window:KeyDown(Key.A) then if window:KeyDown(Key.Shift) then newmode = "sl_run" self.entity:PlayAnimation("sl_jog_civ",0.03,100) else newmode = "sl_walk" self.entity:PlayAnimation("sl_walk_civ",0.02,100) end end Although I have a blending conflict issues. The < and > animations are blending with the <^, ^>, >V, V< animations and causing oddities. It is all working though. Now that I see how the <, <^ and ^ are blending I might be able to omit the <^ animation altogether. I just would rather have final say over the animation look rather than relying on the blending model. Any ideas how I can isolate those commands? @Iris3D Games Thanks bud! ? That looks like you have a lot there. I am definitely going to study the code and what you are doing there. I don't really know enough to full understand everything yet, but once I get a better grasp of the language I am sure I will be able to wrap my head around that example. 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Yue Posted June 20, 2019 Share Posted June 20, 2019 I'm always learning something, and thanks to your input, I saw the GetAirborne command, really my system lacks that command, and no more at first glance I think it serves to detect the character if it goes down. This is crazy. 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Daemoc Posted June 21, 2019 Author Share Posted June 21, 2019 @Iris3D Games Aye, I do not think I will ever wrap my head around enough code to make a game. There is so much to soak in it would take years. I am having fun with it though. I hope to learn enough to play/test my art assets in game, but I have no illusions of creating an entire game from scratch. You never know though. I did a test changing the <^, ^> animations to ^ and it did in fact blend quite nice. Usable at least. The down side is the <V, V> are completely opposite of <, > so I can not rely on the blending. I will have to find another way to separate and dictate those functions. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Solution Daemoc Posted June 22, 2019 Author Solution Share Posted June 22, 2019 I Got it! I had to change the side motions --Rightward Motion if self.entity:GetAirborne()==false and (window:KeyDown(Key.W) or window:KeyDown(Key.S))== false then if window:KeyDown(Key.Shift) and (window:KeyDown(Key.D) then newmode = "sr_run" self.entity:PlayAnimation("sr_jog_civ",0.03,100) elseif (window:KeyDown(Key.D) newmode = "sr_walk" self.entity:PlayAnimation("sr_walk_civ",0.02,100) else end end --Leftward Motion if self.entity:GetAirborne()==false and (window:KeyDown(Key.W) or window:KeyDown(Key.S))== false then if window:KeyDown(Key.Shift) and (window:KeyDown(Key.A) then newmode = "sl_run" self.entity:PlayAnimation("sl_jog_civ",0.03,100) elseif (window:KeyDown(Key.A) newmode = "sl_walk" self.entity:PlayAnimation("sl_walk_civ",0.02,100) else end end I don't know if this is the right way to do it. Heck, it might cause blue screens after 15 mins, but it works. 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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