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How to get entities?

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26 minutes ago, gamecreator said:

You can use world:GetEntity() to get each one.  There's an example using it here: https://www.leadwerks.com/community/blogs/entry/1866-common-bottlenecks/page/2/?tab=comments#comment-8055

Thank you very much, but why didn't these functions appear in the official doc? And that doc brought me some confusion.

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Unfortunately, there are two problems with the documentation:

1.  It is incomplete.  The last several updates, especially, are rather lacking (i.e.: there are zero GUI examples for C++).  And many functions that are in the documentation don't have examples.  Some are straightforward and honestly don't need it, others aren't.
2.  Some functions are intentionally undocumented because they're unofficial.  I think this is the case for the above function(s).  However, as far as I can tell, there is no way to know if a function is undocumented because Josh forgot to/chose not to document it or that it's really unofficial.

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On 5/12/2019 at 11:03, gamecreator said:

Desafortunadamente, hay dos problemas con la documentación:

1. Está incompleto. Las últimas actualizaciones, especialmente, son bastante deficientes (es decir, no hay ejemplos de GUI para C ++). Y muchas funciones que están en la documentación no tienen ejemplos. Algunos son sencillos y sinceramente no lo necesitan, otros no.
2. Algunas funciones no están documentadas intencionalmente porque no son oficiales. Creo que este es el caso de las funciones anteriores. Sin embargo, por lo que puedo decir, no hay forma de saber si una función no está documentada porque Josh olvidó / decidió no documentarla o que realmente no es oficial.

One question, when you say "unofficial", what exactly do you mean, what doesn't Josh do?




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"Unofficial" meaning that it's a function that was put there as an experiment or he thought it would be replaced/removed one day.

Personally, I just read the headers as my API, but examples really help.

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If it’s not in the documentation it’s potentially subject to change in the future. There are also some engine functions that are not documented that the user should not call.

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