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Couple Questions


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I saw that you can use shaders with LE. Is it a LE specific format, or can I grab a shader straight from render monkey and use it in LE?


I'm probably missing something, but how do I add models to my scene in the eval kit? I tried putting a new model in the models folder, but it didn't show up in the list. Can I point the editor at my assets library folder and have it see all my art?


Is the model converter tool only available in the purchased edition? I didn't see it to download anywhere. I wanted to see how a few of the models I have will render in the engine.

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You can use Render Monkey. Take a look at the wiki, especially the "Build-in Uniforms"



The model must be a .gmf to show up in the editor (GMF is leadwerks own format).

The editor lists all .gmf files which are in the same folder (or subfolders). Via the

options menu you can also set a "game folder".


You'll get the converters you need, when you purchase LE.

(Win7 64bit) && (i7 3770K @ 3,5ghz) && (16gb DDR3 @ 1600mhz) && (Geforce660TI)

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