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(Solved) Problems with my own grass design for Vegetation Tool


Go to solution Solved by Russell,

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Hello team!!

I'm trying to create my own grass model for Vegetation tool.

I've got NATURE PACK and i love it with all it's stuff. But now i want to create my own grass model based on one garden i love and i've taken photos to it.

i have one problem and i don't know how search it to find the answer...



With the camera going FAR my grass appear after use it on VEGETATION TOOL.

But when the cámera goes near:


Grass dissapears...

With the camera close to it (or PLAYING the map on FIRST PERSON view):


Grass doesn't appear...

It doesn't appear neither under my feet when i execute the map.


I think, this is like the RANGE parameter for lights, lens flare or audios on noise.lua... When you are far, you can't see/listen them...

But here???? How resolve this mistery when my grass appear correctly when the camera is far away but never ok when the camera is close???

I don't know what search to find someting that help me out with this problem...

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You may need to set some of the shaders for the vegetation system. You can just copy and paste one of the existing vegetation materials and use that as a base.

  • Thanks 1

My job is to make tools you love, with the features you want, and performance you can't live without.

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  • Russell changed the title to (Solved) Problems with my own grass design for Vegetation Tool

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