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Tutorial Requests


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this place is for requesting tutorials and they could be make by Administrator or Community.

although I know Josh is working on new tutorials, still we need some special tuts that can be make by own community.


How to request:

you will request your tutorial, if other users need it too, they will rate it by: ":D" !

each request that got 14 of ":blink:" (please don't collusion!), then someone can accept to make that tutorial.

and if we did not have any volunteers to make a tutorial, we should wait to have one :huh:


something more to say:

requested tutorials should be more than just a short answer "how to..." (although I think we need a "how to ..." section as a part of werkspace)

if you want to make a tutorial, it would be better to make it as a video tutorial, and upload it into youtube or (please!)vimeo. or if you don't want to make a video tutorial, you can make it as a PDF (we need tutorial section in download center of werkspace to upload these tutorials)



2- Example of collision detection system and response to detection

2- Some scripting tutorials using LUA

1- Create ragdolls

1- Create cloths

1- Simple AI tutorial (maybe pathfinding that a newbie person can start with)

1- Saving, loading (save game with details into a single file and load it back)

1- Some modeling techniques

1- How the shaders system is work



I have posted a message with more emoticons that this board allows! I have to reduce the number of emoticons I've added to the message :(

Omid Saadat

OD Arts Blog


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I have written a ragdoll system which I shall convert to LUA soon enough and release the code.



There is a Cloth example on the old forum.

I did not understand anything of that (I'm not a pro coder and I could not understand that code :D )



what kind of AI?

as far as I know simplest way in AI is path finding :huh:


How simple?

you can define a project and describe how to implement it. then I will bend my project to get as your tutorial is , then I will improve what I've learned from your tutorial and straight back my project!


Saving and loading what?

saving and loading a model into 3ds max! :(

save game with details into a single file and load it back next time we play the game.


That is a very broad topic

because I didn't want to request just my own tutorials here. :blink:

but my requests were broad and I'm sorry about that.


PS. I will try to help community with art tutorials.

PPS. original post edited.

Omid Saadat

OD Arts Blog


AMD Phenom II X4 940 - Geforce 8800GTS - 4GB RAM - XP x86

AMD 6000+ - Geforce 9800 GT - 2GB RAM - XP x86 (Home pc)

Intel Core i7 - Geforce 310M - 4GB Ram - Win7 x64 (Laptop)

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Cool ok, I was just after a bit more information because I would like to help the community out with code and some tutorials for some of the stuff I have researched/learnt over the years. I'm sure you are not alone with the topics you have listed.


I greatly look forward to any art tutorials, I am rubbish with 3DS Max :D

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thanks :blink:

I am rubbish with 3DS Max

this is broad request! :D

list what you want too learn in modeling..I know here are modeler guys to help us :huh:

Omid Saadat

OD Arts Blog


AMD Phenom II X4 940 - Geforce 8800GTS - 4GB RAM - XP x86

AMD 6000+ - Geforce 9800 GT - 2GB RAM - XP x86 (Home pc)

Intel Core i7 - Geforce 310M - 4GB Ram - Win7 x64 (Laptop)

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this is broad request!


lol indeed it is, but so is my lack of 3D skills! :D


Well with 3DS Max its probably more about the processes involved, techniques for doing things, for example: Is there an easy way to create LOD models without having to do to much extra work? What is the best way to model organic objects such as trees, humans, animals etc. What poly count should you model to for objects? etc etc


Subdivision.. never really looked into this and what it can be used for... just come across it recently with something I've been programming.


Modelling characters... tips and techniques, unwrapping, rigging


UV Mapping in general


Photoshop, creating textures, using a tablet

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Here's mine:


Example of collision detection system and response to detection -- specifically for something like a combat game (melee).



Ideally it would cover how to take a character combat scenario (for example, a sword fight) between player and NPC,

break down how to best set up 'damage indicators' (parented hidden geometry? or direct access to bones?), then use

the resultant information to respond in some fashion (probably que a specific animation in response to amount of damage).



Doesn't have to be the above example, just looking for a fairly common situation in games that could be extrapolated out

into other variations. (teach a man to fish, rather than serve him one) ;)

Vista Ultimate SP1 64bit | Q6600 2.40 GHZ | 8GB RAM | 320MB Nvidia 8800GTS

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Example of collision detection system and response to detection :(

Some scripting tutorials using LUA :blink:


for some modeling techniques, you can fall into CG tuts+

there is many powerful tutorials about nextgen modeling, baking, and texturing..

if you could not find what you need. ask your friends here ;)

Omid Saadat

OD Arts Blog


AMD Phenom II X4 940 - Geforce 8800GTS - 4GB RAM - XP x86

AMD 6000+ - Geforce 9800 GT - 2GB RAM - XP x86 (Home pc)

Intel Core i7 - Geforce 310M - 4GB Ram - Win7 x64 (Laptop)

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I think a basic tutorial about "How to get started with Lua and the new editor" would be fine. It could show, step by step, the way to make a simple game from the very begining, I mean leaving nothing as already known.


did you checked these videos?

Make a Game in Ten Minutes

Leadwerks Engine Lua Scripting

More thoughts on Lua

Omid Saadat

OD Arts Blog


AMD Phenom II X4 940 - Geforce 8800GTS - 4GB RAM - XP x86

AMD 6000+ - Geforce 9800 GT - 2GB RAM - XP x86 (Home pc)

Intel Core i7 - Geforce 310M - 4GB Ram - Win7 x64 (Laptop)

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i would say there should be tutorial for each of the lang

this is help the people who work in blitzmax, C++ or any other lang the SDK supports


As for starter it still hard to learn reading c++ for blitzmax and say you should learn c++ is not on or it easy

if it was easy for them starter they would not be asking lol




AMD Ryzen 7 1700x

32 gb ddr4

15 TB raid 5 HD

Nvidia EVGA 1060GTX

Win10 64bit

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