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..LE code on PS3..

Naughty Alien

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..yes..huh..its very late here, but i couldnt stop until this is done and im super happy..Translator finally extract proper code for loader interpreter on PS3 side and things works out of box..at this very moment, only for static geometry, camera is static and no motion ,and base shadows, but hey..its LE on PS3 :) ... animation, particle, physics(ill use Bullet), etc, are not done..a lot of things to do..soon more info..im just proud to see my LE code runs on PS3 :) I hope you like it even pic is not that good, but ill tune up some parameters later in order to get desired results, i just want basics work from any aspect..huh..im going to sleep now..more info soon..happy coding.. ;)



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  On 6/22/2010 at 5:52 PM, Naughty Alien said:

...I hope you like it even pic is not that good...


:) <macklebee looks at his own project and wishes he could get a screenshot that looks half as nice :)


fantastic as always NA... so are we going to have to wait for you to finish porting this to ps3 and xbox before we can play Hidden Dawn on PC?

Win7 64bit / Intel i7-2600 CPU @ 3.9 GHz / 16 GB DDR3 / NVIDIA GeForce GTX 590

LE / 3DWS / BMX / Hexagon

macklebee's channel

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Guest Red Ocktober

yeah... that does look kinda sweet... doesn't it...


hey NA... after you finish your PS3 port... could ya whip me up a OSX version of that interpreter thingee... :)




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  On 6/22/2010 at 5:58 PM, Rick said:

Very cool. How is this working though?




What is really happening under the hood with this?


..hi guys..well..actually its not that complex as it sounds..im sure pretty much any of you will be able to pull it off, if you have necessary hardware in front of yourself to play with (debug unit)..i have created a mirror of LE, on PS3 side by use of Phyre, so, whatever you create in LE (mind you, im talking at this very moment only about naked LE commands, logic related commands from language itself/bmax/ havent been included in to translation, Ill do that once whole command set is mirrored) is translated in to mirrored equivalent on PS3 Phyre side and its ready to compile with no changes..materials are converted too, (basic stuff came with LE SDK) while textures you have to convert back to PNG (best) manually. So, you finish your LE code, save it as a BMX and then just drag/drop BMX file on to translator and after that you will have Interpret.LE file you provide with media in root folder. Then on PS3 project side, just type in name of your Interpret.LE file and compile/upload your application on to PS3 and watch it :D thats how its going, more-less..here is some basic drawing..as i said, its nothing special or magic..just plane translating/parsing..



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Ah ok. So the lines of what is really LE vs Phyre are pretty blurred. You basically implement LE's command set with Phyre. Then you can code with LE commands but really the code underneath is Phyre.


I've never used Phyre Engine but it kind of just seems like you could use it instead of LE, no? It seems to support all the major platforms.

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I would love to try Phyre, but it needs PS3 developer license, which I don't want to pay. I would rather pay for free software, like Linux. I don't want to support big companies to make even more money, but give the money to the enthusiastic amateurs, speak indies, to whom it means much more. Heck, I love it when I can make someone happy with money only, so I already ordered from some indie modeller a well priced unit :D It feels good to pay for things when you know who gets it and that he really needs it.

Ryzen 9 RX 6800M ■ 16GB XF8 Windows 11 ■
Ultra ■ LE 2.53DWS 5.6  Reaper ■ C/C++ C# ■ Fortran 2008 ■ Story ■
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It's fake free. It's free only when you pay Sony unnecessary big amounts of money, I think like $5000. For that money you get a PS3 developer console, which is an actual hardware box with flashy lights.

Ryzen 9 RX 6800M ■ 16GB XF8 Windows 11 ■
Ultra ■ LE 2.53DWS 5.6  Reaper ■ C/C++ C# ■ Fortran 2008 ■ Story ■
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well..PS3 SDK cost about 2000US$ (price i have pay) and you got Debug console + Phyre engine (renderer),and all other things related to SDK owner..engine came with source code and loads of excellent tutorials for it, and documentation is just extraordinary good..statement 'free' in engine, most probably pointing on to fact that after you obtain it, its totally free to do whatever you want with it(including with it that you can build up entirely new game engine and claim it as yours), and sell it, free of any kind of charge. Only think you cant do is pack and sell renderer as your own product..by default engine is ready to go, out of box on PC and PS3 and within 2 months PSP..optionally you can modify it(many tutorials how to's) so it can run on Xbox360 and MAC..its nice deferred renderer or forward rendererd, up to your choice, and with it, are provided excellent tools for just about everything you will ever need..shaders for example, so you can install Phyre plug in for FX composer and create/preview shaders with ease..i think its good deal to get AAA renderer in to hands with massive support from Sony, while completely free of any charge whatever you do with it, and multiplatform, for just 2000 bucks..not to mention hardware you got and fact that you actually developing for console market..how much unity cost? how much will cost you to get unity license for PS3?? Just crunch some numbers and picture will appear very easy..

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..well..game in LE is more than 90% done..no point to go again for same thing .. and there are some changes to take place regarding SPU's and way how things are done and it will require a lot of time to go back from begining...second reason, even less valid for commercial world is actual fact that I like LE so much and I see no reason to move from it, since its covering already everything i need for PC, so Phyre will be a bullet for MAC, PS3 and eventually Xbox360..right now i cant take that much load, since im lonely shooter..


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Make sense. Yeah, I guess it would be easier to just write LE commands on top of Phyre since your game is mostly finished. This is where it would be nice if all game logic could be separated from engine specific commands somehow.

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  On 6/23/2010 at 2:25 AM, Rick said:

This is where it would be nice if all game logic could be separated from engine specific commands somehow.


that is VERY true..thats why at this moment im converting one on one LE command set (with some richer options regarding VFX since phyre does offer that by default), with no language related things of any kind..i think real challenge for Translator writing will be actual language translation part, and i really cant wait to start messing with that. I know its not going to be pure LE on PS3, but again, if anyone obtain license, and have game on stack..it may be handy tool to just get it done within a minutes and ready to go on PS3, until maybe build up your own stuff...we will see..

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  On 6/22/2010 at 5:52 PM, Naughty Alien said:

at this very moment, only for static geometry, camera is static and no motion ,and base shadows, but hey..its LE on PS3


Well, despite the list of stuff it can't do, it still looks excellent - and as we know, it can only get better...


It definitely sounds like a lot of effort has gone into this, and I'm sure it's all been worth it.

LE Version: 2.50 (Eventually)

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What is Leadwerks? It's an engine, but as we abstract out parts of the code in version 3 it's also a specification for how things should work, like OpenGL is.

My job is to make tools you love, with the features you want, and performance you can't live without.

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You could say Leadwerks is also a friendly and helpful game development community. I haven't seen as family like forums anywhere else. And you get lots of useful ideas and assets from Leadwerks too.

Ryzen 9 RX 6800M ■ 16GB XF8 Windows 11 ■
Ultra ■ LE 2.53DWS 5.6  Reaper ■ C/C++ C# ■ Fortran 2008 ■ Story ■
■ Homepage: https://canardia.com ■

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Well at this point for NA, it's a road block because he has to do this translation step. Really if he would have just used Phyre to start with he could avoid all that. It seems like it would be better to find the right tool for the job instead of a tool that doesn't really do the job but you like working with it.


Like if I have to nail something but I don't like using a hammer but I like using a screwdriver it's like me modifying the screwdriver to be like a hammer so I can hammer the nail in.


We all knew what LE was going in. We knew where it is heading but it's not there yet. So would seem to me that if you had a specific goal in mind that a tool you like using didn't support, then you would find another tool that did.

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