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..LE code on PS3..

Naughty Alien

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One idea what Leadwerks Engine could be, is also a fully working and tested interface and environment to write games. This environment would not only be technical tools, but also support. That's what CE3 does too, when you buy the engine, you buy people.


You could use the same code and assets, and select on what platform and engine it runs. That's what bmx2 does too. Actually I had a similar issue earlier with LE 1.13, when I needed to use two versions of LE simultanously in the same game, it just swapped the exe when loading a scene which required either engine version. So you can even use multiple engines in the same game, but that's just a possibilty which should normally not be needed at all. Or who knows, one might need a space scene and a indoor scene in the same game, the possibilies are endless :)


The cool thing would be, that you could write your game with all AAA assets and highest possible visual quality, and then choose as target platform for example HTC phone, and it would automatically profile and downgrade all the assets and settings you have.

Ryzen 9 RX 6800M ■ 16GB XF8 Windows 11 ■
Ultra ■ LE 2.53DWS 5.6  Reaper ■ C/C++ C# ■ Fortran 2008 ■ Story ■
■ Homepage: https://canardia.com ■

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  • 3 weeks later...

i dont think people should bother with developing for consoles especially when the new ones are coming out in 2 years. i think Leadwerks should focus on bringing back the PC gaming community and not being a cryengine 3 knock off.

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  On 7/12/2010 at 4:49 AM, Kevin said:

i dont think people should bother with developing for consoles especially when the new ones are coming out in 2 years. i think Leadwerks should focus on bringing back the PC gaming community and not being a cryengine 3 knock off.

2 years? Source?


As far as I know both X360 and PS3 will stay for atleast another 4 to 5 years.

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  On 7/12/2010 at 4:49 AM, Kevin said:

i dont think people should bother with developing for consoles especially when the new ones are coming out in 2 years. i think Leadwerks should focus on bringing back the PC gaming community and not being a cryengine 3 knock off.

.it is announced by sony that PS4 will be entirely compatible with current one (few changes were involved in to GPU and some for sake of backward compatibility), so basically, everything you develop for PS3 will work just fine on PS4..Sony announced also upcoming editor for PS3/Phyre, really neat looking one, similar to Unreal...as for Xbox..they are not moving anywhere soon too..they did announced that in development is an X-Engine, designed for Xbox360(it seems that PS3 nailed it nicely with Phyre/Editor), so M$ doing pretty much same thing now for Xbox360..


@Rekindled Phoenix

..method to port for PSP and Xbox360 is basically Phyre...by the end of this year Phyre will natively run on PSP as a one of rendering targets, and Xbox 360 port is also matter of 'rescaling' Phyre's use of SPU's in favor of more shader pipelines(Xbox 360 has 48 Unified Shader Pipelines, while PS3 has 24 pixel pipelines, and 8 vertex pipelines).


PSP Translator may be interested for folks here, since, people could easy run that on their PSP's they have, their applications..but we will see how it goes.. ;)


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anyone who purchases or purchased a console has downgraded the gaming community by 10 years. thank you all for destroying the industry, by making it care only about profit and not about the games they make.



this is my quote of what i believe is true. i don't find any use in consoles at all. I'd rather go buy a laptop.

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  On 7/14/2010 at 4:13 AM, Kevin said:

anyone who purchases or purchased a console has downgraded the gaming community by 10 years. thank you all for destroying the industry, by making it care only about profit and not about the games they make.



this is my quote of what i believe is true. i don't find any use in consoles at all. I'd rather go buy a laptop.


I understand where you're coming from, as it's sad to see such a powerful platform wasted by so many people. Indeed most people now think of a PC as just an oversized typewriter and calculator both merged into a single machine. PCs are up to far more than just Word, Excel and maybe YouTube. Only ten years ago, games that pushed technology limits were being actively played by many on the PC.


Whilst I was growing up, certainly where I lived, no one wanted a PlayStation. This was because if your parents came home with one, it basically translated as "I couldn't afford a real computer, so I bought you this instead..." However, growing up in a very rough and poor area, the majority of kids had playstations. Those with the consoles would eventually learn to love them after playing them for a while. I never had to use one, so now I just can't get my head around the control scheme especially for an FPS game (The right stick reacts very differently to a mouse).


But that's the way the world's gone. Now I think you need something else to think (or rant) about, because at this rate you're going to end up shooting everyone you see with a console... Killing of 60+% Earth's total population, and sending up back into the stone age... All that will be left will be PC gamers (okay, that's not a bad thing), posh people ("oh oh - pardon me while I fly my aeroplane" Anyone recognise that quote?) and old people ("In my day, we didn't have these 'computer' things. The only way we could have fun was to wipe turds on people's front doors" - Apparently that did happen quite a lot, in the Victorian era that is...)



But I'm sure you'll agree: like consoles or hate them, getting this to work on a PS3 is still quite an achievement, with quite a lot of hard work having gone into it.

LE Version: 2.50 (Eventually)

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  On 7/18/2010 at 1:18 PM, VicToMeyeZR said:

Since you mention it being mostly done in LE, then your PC version should be pretty much done? Is this online or SP?


..90% of PC version is done..some design issues(according to publisher) are taken back, as well as some voiceovers(35 minutes) since language are not correct according to them(in sense of expressions, not some bad words or something)..I can just say that most of 3rd person adventure games lovers (games like Dreamfall) will be very nicely surprised with visuals and storyline..right now im porting to PS3 and at same time fixing issues mentioned..i hope my lil game will make ya all proud to have LE :)


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Wow ... you've set yourself quite a benchmark there NA to liken it to Dreamfall which has to be one of the best produced adventure games ever made and a storyline widely accepted as second to none from the master storyteller Ragnar Tørnquist. If your game is even half as good you should have a big seller on your hands, I'm getting excited about seeing it!


Is there an ETA on this yet? When are we likely to see a clip of any gameplay or a trailer ?

Intel Core i5 2.66 GHz, Asus P7P55D, 8Gb DDR3 RAM, GTX460 1Gb DDR5, Windows 7 (x64), LE Editor, GMax, 3DWS, UU3D Pro, Texture Maker Pro, Shader Map Pro. Development language: C/C++

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..well..music composer who did all soundtracks for Dreamfall, doing it for Hidden Dawn too, just minor license issues regarding soundtracks need to be solved (publisher request again) so..we will see..game grown over my expectations with really a lot of characters spreaded over 40 levels..I cant say that story is that strong as DreamFall, but it has very unusual ending..I have plenty of stuff to show and so far i show only small bits because of very strict NDA..ETA depend now on publisher, after changes requested are done(if you remember it was some characters modifications, then whole set of frozen world is changed and its really looking crazy good now..ill post some screens soon)...i just hope they will not drag me until PS3 port is done, because i really wanna let it go out..I will eventually need some beta2 testers , so i was thinking to engage some folks from here but i dont know how smart is it regarding 'leaking' issues..i will see..


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Sounds great, I'm a great fan of The Longest Journey / Dreamfall and look forward to playing anything in that genre. With regard to beta testing I'd certainly be interested and would happily sign a Non Disclosure Agreement with either you or your publisher if that's what you require.

Intel Core i5 2.66 GHz, Asus P7P55D, 8Gb DDR3 RAM, GTX460 1Gb DDR5, Windows 7 (x64), LE Editor, GMax, 3DWS, UU3D Pro, Texture Maker Pro, Shader Map Pro. Development language: C/C++

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  On 7/20/2010 at 9:25 AM, Quan said:

Wow this looks really cool. Is this game being aimed at PSN or Retail release ?

Not 100% sure but I read somewhere it was for PSN. Anyways, really can't wait to play something that's made with LE. ;)

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