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..Korona again..

Naughty Alien

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..if you remember, I use to post pics of one of my dragon characters, during development in Mudbox (hi poly)..now, its scaled down to game use, and done basic texturing, just to see how is it look like in engine..so here is download link for small exe so you can see it..I hope you like it..




here is download link..





when start exe, just turn camera with mouse, because camera facing wrong direction (forgot to align, sorryyyy :)) ..so you can turn cam with mouse but no motion, its locked on proper distance.. :D

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  On 6/24/2010 at 2:42 PM, Josh said:

Your EXE fails to start without any error message on my ATI 4870.


A little note about that.


First I copied the exe into my Leadwerks SDK folder and run it.

It then fails to start as you say.


Then I just copied the exe to my desktop and ran it again.

Then is shows up as it should

Roland Strålberg
Website: https://rstralberg.com

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I put the exe in some empty folder, and run it.

It starts with a light gray screen, and then you need to press Ctrl-Alt-Del to bring up Task Manager, then press Alt-Tab a few times and then left click on the game window, and it works!

Ryzen 9 RX 6800M ■ 16GB XF8 Windows 11 ■
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..all characters are rigged, so since topology is same, i have extracted bone structure while i remodelling of dragon took place in Mudbox..so, all i need is just simply sort of 'load back' my bones and animations(saved) and she will be ready to go..maybe tomorrow ill post again exe with some animations (idling), if i have time..regarding packing, I wanted to protect my media, and shaders(i have many custom stuff) so i packed all together..this particular example is packed with MoleBox Solution, an extraordinary tool for this kind of stuff, and it can slice in to specific packs everything(eg levels, etc) so later some updates for customers will be very easy to do..I have my own proggy for such things, but it doesnt wotk on vista and W7(ill take a look whats the problem when get more time)..on win XP is just good..but since i got this Molebox, my packer collecting dust in some corner, somewhere :D


here it is, highly recommended:



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nice job, Naughty Alien. :D


(on the art side, I think you could bump up the Ambient Occlusion on the texture a bit --- to

pop the underlying scales more --- and work on the specular --- less intense and more related

to the diffuse scales/design to avoid some of the plastic toy look)

Vista Ultimate SP1 64bit | Q6600 2.40 GHZ | 8GB RAM | 320MB Nvidia 8800GTS

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Works ok for me although the model was not in view and it took me a while to find it. Like Rick, I'm wondering about the exe. Looks an excellent model for a medieval magical world.

AMD Athlon x2 7750 2.7ghz, 6gb ddr2 ram, Galaxy9800GT 1gig ddr2 video card, Windows 7,64.

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The dragon looks great, fear inducing, I esp. like it's face & mouth and would love to see it animated with some reference for scale maybe, how big will it be ?





You use EXE packers, ..they compress and append everything at the end of your .exe file and modify the PE headers so windows wont wonderful person and crash your app while at the same time they can protect your code from disassembly and people ripping out your resources etc.. I used to have a good free one but can't remember the name, the one NA suggested is a more advanced one (and more pricey). Also, most anti virus programs are afraid of such exe files and throw out false positives.. (also depends on the packer)

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  On 6/25/2010 at 2:16 AM, paramecij said:

The dragon looks great, fear inducing, I esp. like it's face & mouth and would love to see it animated with some reference for scale maybe, how big will it be ?


I may post some dragon idling (note this is good guy :)) so you guys can see it in motion, just need to 'plug back' bones and animations..dragon is big..wingspan is about 50 meters,from ground up to horn is 15 meters, and from top of the nose to end of the tail is 30 meters..


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