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..Lens Flare test..

Naughty Alien

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..hi guys..I would like to ask you for small assistance..if you dont mind, download exe from link im providing and give it a go in order to see how my lens flare thingy working..Im particularly interested for ATI fellas but any nvidia folks are more than welcome..here is pic how things should look like when you turn camera towards light source




and here is file for download




Let me know if you have ANY issues. Thanks a lot.




EXE file contain all necessary data to run so, DO NOT place it inside SDK folders or folders containing ANY engine dependencies, it wont run.

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Guest Red Ocktober

Holy 2012 Batman!!


so this is how the world ends... :)


no issues here... runs smooth and looks like the pic...





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@Gandi and MrIslomaniac


Actually, depending on lenses type you used, such effects appear in nature so i wasnt do anything on my own but just 'copy' effect from video file i have regarding lens flare physics study..heck wide angle lenses can produce even more 'scale up effect'..so its about to be 'normal'.. :)

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though nice job Mrosmaniac with the bug reporting - nice eye for detail. If I need a bug test in the future I will come knocking on your PM box


and very cool NA

Core I5 2.67 / 16GB RAM / GTX 670

Zbrush/ Blender / Photoshop CS6 / Renoise / Genetica / Leadwerks 3

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