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Normal map , parallax and dot3 ????


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I'm new with leadwerk, I come from the Blitz3D & Truevision3D.


I have a little problem, I can not get a correct normal mapping or parallax effect .. also with the materialseditor or edidtor or by programming.


My video card drivers are up to date ...


Unable to reproduce the parallax effect that can be seen on http://www.leadwerks.com/files/Tutorials/CPP/Materials_And_Shaders.pdf, or the results I had with other texture in TV3D.


Specular refection and gloss parameters have no effect on any texture ...


Screenshot from pdf



My result :)




My computer

AMD 6400 +

ATI 4850


Window SEVEN


thank a lot



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Dont clamp the textures -

and it needs a high precision depthmap in the diffusemap`s alpha channel (which cobblestones have).


For my maps a also changed the mesh.frag[/] to allow less precision, less deep surfaces.




#ifdef LW_POMMAP
varying vec3 eyevec;

vec3 vLightTS=vec3(0.66,0.66,0.66);

float depthP = .04;
float nMinSamples = 20;
float nMaxSamples = 30;	//might scale this back, up to 50


PS : the screenshot shows a added detail map with "LW_DETAIL" :)



AMD 64 X2 Dual 5k - 4GB - XFX GForce9800GT - nv196.21 - WinXP Sp3

zBrush4R2 - Silo2Pro - Unwrap3DPro - Gile - MaPZone2.5




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If I understood everything, the parallax effect uses the alpha channel of the diffuse image to cause deep. And you changed the shader core for use in a 3rd replacement textures alpha channel


In a same thing, the normalmapping doesn't work to, I tried some object in the editor like tree, road ... I haven't any normalmapping effect. If I use the tree texture or road texture with Unity or TV3D I have a godd normal mapping effect !



Help, everything works fine with the 2.3 except the effects of bump, normal and parallax

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Hmmm, since you are new i try to explane better.


Your setup in the picture, you posted, seams to be right but it also looks like you simply clamp the textures (or one of em) - its the x, y, z value below "image : cobblestones.dds".


I can tell that normalmapping is going one because of a pretty vertical seam and POM because the aliasing of depth "cant" be anti-aliased - your screenshot is showing both effects.



there might still be many, many, many other reasons why it aint looking like on the sample image.


PS : LW_DETAIL is used like a switch and i enabled it for/on my POM shader - just had to note the fact.

AMD 64 X2 Dual 5k - 4GB - XFX GForce9800GT - nv196.21 - WinXP Sp3

zBrush4R2 - Silo2Pro - Unwrap3DPro - Gile - MaPZone2.5




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It's working find now, I changed the default values LW_POMMAP.


I better understand the general functioning of the management of shaders in LW, There isn't one effect but several normal map effect, after it depends if I want the default specular or via specular texture ...






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