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Andrew Rowe

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Best best would be to go with something like RakNet (if you're brave enough, winsock - I personally think winsock is a nightmare to use!)

Edit: Beaten again -- I always take so long to type :(


MW2 only has one real server, the IW.net matchmaking server. I'll concede that it does store a large list of 'hosts' that you can join. the problem is, these hosts are hosted on home connections which start to lose synchronisation pretty badly with more than about 12 clients - and poor synchronisation means a poor game for all. Peer-to-peer file sharing networks (legal or not, that's not the point here) don't suffer with large numbers of clients because the data does not need to be synchronised. So I'm not saying the poor synchronisation is always bad, but for games, synchronisation should be high on your list.


And 9v9 is certainly by no means large. Tribes 2 (Early 2001) Supported 64 players smoothly (even over dial-up). By FPS standards, those are what you would call large servers. Not 18 players, those are pretty standard, if not small...


I'm not sure how realistic it would be to use built-in Leadwerks networking commands because I don't use them. But using RakNet, it should very easily do what you want.

LE Version: 2.50 (Eventually)

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Networking lag mostly depends on the amount and weight of the messages (of course the host connection speed is crucial), but I bet that if your messages are light enough than you should not have problems with lag/sync even on home connections (unless your players aren't playing from a 56K modem :( ). However a good library as RakNet as already told here seems to be the most clicked on C++ (I use Lidgren on C# but I haven't still really tested its performance).


About the LE Netwerk, even Josh often suggests to use a specific networking library for a deeper use of network.



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