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A big problem with hidden parented objects and raycasts


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If I have an object (for example Cube called "mesh") parented to some other object (another cube called "ground"). In main loop I make ray-cast (camera pick). The both cubes are visible and they are visible for ray-cast.


Now I hide the cube "mesh" (the child). And it is still visible for ray-cast!!!


Its not a big problem in the example. But I want to hide different parts of some model, and make this parts unavailable for ray-casting, but the rest of the model should be visible and available for ray-casting.


As I understand this problem is consequence of new octree culling system in the engine. But I really need the way as raycasting worked before. Or I will need to do a lot of tricks to make things to work.


Here is simple example of the problem.


Space - hide the cube.

//	====================================================================
//	This file was generated by Leadwerks C++/LEO/BlitzMax Project Wizard
//	Written by Rimfrost Software
//	http://www.rimfrost.com 
//	====================================================================

#include "leo.h"
using namespace LEO ;

int WINAPI WinMain( HINSTANCE hInstance,
				HINSTANCE hPrevInstance,
				LPSTR lpCmdLine,
				int nShowCmd ) 
Engine engine( "VectorTest", 800, 600 ) ;
Engine::SetAbstractPath( "C:/Leadwerks Engine SDK" ) ;
Engine::SetFilters() ;

World world( CREATENOW ) ;
if( !world.IsValid() ) 
	MessageBoxA(0,"Error","Failed to create world.",MB_OK);
	return engine.Free() ;

Buffer gbuffer( Engine::GetWidth(), Engine::GetHeight() );

Camera camera( CREATENOW );
camera.SetPosition( 0, 0, -2 );

Material material("abstract::cobblestones.mat") ;
Cube	 mesh( CREATENOW ) ;
mesh.Paint( material ) ;

Cube ground( CREATENOW ) ;
ground.SetScale( 10, 1, 10 );
ground.SetPosition( 0, -2, 0 );
ground.Paint( material ) ;

DirectionalLight light( CREATENOW ) ;
light.SetRotation( 45 , 45, 45 );

Source source;

//myClass myC("abstract::gunshot.ogg");
//myClass myC2("abstract::reload.ogg");

std::string name="";
TVec3 pos;
Pick picked;

// Game loop
while( !Keyboard::I****() && !Engine::IsTerminated() )
	if( !Engine::IsSuspended() ) // We are not in focus!
		if (camera.GetPick(picked,pos))

		if (Keyboard::I****(KEY_SPACE))
			if (mesh.IsHidden()) 

		// Rotate cube
		//mesh.Turn( Vec3( 0.5f*AppSpeed() ) ) ;

		// Update timing and world
		World::Update( Engine::GetSpeed()) ;

		// Render
		World::Render() ;
		Engine::GetBackBuffer().Set() ;

		// Send to screen
		Engine::Flip(0) ;

// Done
return engine.Free() ;

Q6600@2.4GHz - 9600GT - 4GB DDR2@800MHz - Windows7 x64

3ds max / photoshop CS3 / C++


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