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Hardware Suggestions


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I've always been pretty sucky at choosing hardware, and since it will probably be mostly used with Leadwerks, I'd figured I'd ask Werkspace (by the way, didn't we have a hardware forum? o.o)


I'm looking for 2 GPUs and 1 "power-netbook".


GPU 1: For my home computer (1440x900, Dual Core 2.6Ghz, 4GB RAM, I don't remember if I have single or double slot, which is extremely annoying. I don't remember my power values either, if anyone could link me to a tutorial to get them, I'd appreciate it). As powerful as possible for 3D real-time (don't care much for high-resolution, dual monitors or video playback), max $220.


GPU 2: For my friend (1400x1080? Something like that. W7 64 bit 8GB RAM), something that will run 3D real-time as smoothly as possible for max $100.


Power-Netbook: Doesn't need to have a good GPU, will be used for all coding and development (Chrome, FileZilla, Notepad++, Office, Visual Studio, IM, GIMP, the usual development stuff). Ideally, as much RAM and processing power as possible (I like having a lot of applications open and responsive). For the GPU, anything that will run Leadwerks will be fine, no need to be fast. Max price? IDK, something reasonable that won't ruin my student budget.

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Some I found:


  • 580$
  • 15.6'' Display
  • 320GB Hard Drive
  • 2.1GHz AMD Athlon II Dual-Core P320
  • 4GB DDR3 RAM
  • ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4250
  • W7HP64 OS


  • 470$
  • 15.6'' Display
  • 320GB Hard Drive
  • 2.1GHz AMD Athlon X2 Dual-Core P320
  • 3GB DDR3 RAM
  • ATI Radeon HD 4250
  • W7HP (32/64 unknown)


Big difference, apparently, is 110$ for 1GB of RAM. Is it worth it?

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  On 7/16/2010 at 5:52 PM, Lazlo said:

Big difference, apparently, is 110$ for 1GB of RAM. Is it worth it?


In short, no:

2GB DDR3 for £40.33

(The exchange rate of the US dollar against the British pound, makes that worth about $60) So I can get 2GB DDR3 for less than they are charging you for 1GB...


2GB DDR3 for £42.30

4GB DDR3 for £81.99 (USD 125)

$110 for 1GB is a bit of a ripoff, even for laptop memory...


And do bear in mind, that we get ripped off here. If I wanted to buy a nice new GTX 480 for a desktop, I would have to pay about £450 locally. In the U.S. the same model is about 30% cheaper, finding a computer hardware company in the US that would ship to a UK home address though, not quite so easy...

LE Version: 2.50 (Eventually)

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