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..just some pics from lesson 1 tests..

Naughty Alien

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..these are just tests shots over tutorial lesson 1 related to automatic navigation grid generation..so i just wanted to test thing over some random geometry and see how is it work, align, linking child-parent nodes, etc..and so far is very nice..hopefully tomorrow will release whole lesson..


spiral shape geometry



quarter of torus



full torus and hole nicely ignored while structure of parent-child is intact






pyramids..i know useles, but it was nice to see parenting and all variables very nicely done even on such ugly geometry..:D



i hope you like it, im happy to see it working over pretty much anything


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It looks like you're basically just filling areas with waypoints, probably somehow automated so that you don't need to set each of those waypoints manually. When there's an obstacle between the npc and the target, then there would only waypoints around the obstacle, unless you have a waypoint on top of the obstacle too, which would allow the npc to jump over the obstacle. Then you only need an algorithm to connect all the waypoints between npc and target, which is probably similar as walking directly to the target, but each waypoint would be a subtarget.

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..obstacle between parent-children are calculated too so what left is only walkable points. Lesson 2 will cover search algos over this grid generation. Auto grid just need to generate set of waynodes, build hierarchy between them, store distance values between each parent and its children and clean up grid from unnecessary nodes while leaving only walkable nodes and those non walkable because of obstructions based on game level..


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..physics can determine walkable node as non walkable, eg. piece of rock fall down and block path..however, its expensive to keep refresh whole node structure to check that so, such update happen only if result path contain node what is blocked so it will be reported back to grid as a non walkable...that algo is part of lesson 2..


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..thanks Aggor..i appreciate your interest as well as other folks..i hope this will help people to enjoy Pathfinding, rather than having a nightmares..please, keep in mind that this lesson will cover:

-Grid creation

-Grid alignement on to custom level geometry

-Grid hierarchy building (parent to each child node distance included too)

-Grid formatting in order to get rid from unnecessary nodes so search can be much more efficient, while parent-childs structure must stay intact

-Grid walk ability determination so we know exactly where we can walk or not.


Grid walk ability can be updated in runtime but its not covered in this lesson and its not part of process grid generator should do, because its expensive to do such thing (grid i show on pics has 10 000 nodes at start, after formatting end up around 2700)..however, grid walk ability will be updated very quickly with algo explained in lesson 2, so this one is JUST and ONLY creation of nice grid area suitable and ready to use for pretty much any search algo worth salt..lesson2 is search algos and grid updates...


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