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Video tutorial #8. Loading models with lua.


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This video tutorial explains how to create and edit particles in your Lua program. The tutorial will explain the following:


- Difference between Models and Meshes.

- Loading models in to the Leadwerks editor.

- Setting up LOD stages.



The pdf file contains everything that is explained in this video tutorial, plus there are several excersises added for self practising.



post-45-018961900 1279473970_thumb.jpg

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always a pleasure.


@pancakes: yes actually, I studied the effects of tutorial creation back in the days at the ERC-GDN (European Research Center of Game Developer Needs). Only back then I had to test my theories on living marmots. (no marmots were severly damaged during testing.)

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1) I stil have a license for Camtasia 6. It works really well, accept when working inside the editor or when a project is run. But for normal screen recording it is perfect. nice video editor, some good effects and many render formats (mp4, swf, flv, avi and more). As a matter of fact I think that this tutorial has actually less detail then other. The problem I have is that I need to record at a resolution of 1440 x 900. I want to produce the quality as high as possible but that can be tricky. Camtasia also has a build in noice reductor and voice amplificator. This comes in handy to remove the background noise like, computer fans, cats miauwing, airplanes that fly over etc.


The newer version of camtasia has functions for better ingame recording but camtasia is too pricy to buy for myself. So I am going to stick with the license that I have from my ex trainee company.


2) that makes things very cool. making tutorials fun and educational at the same time can cost a lot of time though. But keeping jokes in it like with the sound tutorial ending (lady gaga on high pitch) is a lot of fun.

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