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Using 3DWS with Leadwerks engine?


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Hey guys,

This might be a silly question but have any of you used 3DWS to make models with and converted them to the .gmf format? I tried to use the converter that came with the engine but it doesn't do anything if I run it from the tools directory, so I dropped it into the 3DWS root directory and used the "run model" feature but it made a .stf texture and a file called "Linker address Map".


Now I know that 3DWS must work with Leadwerks because Josh made both of these, so I must be doing it wrong. Can one of you tell me how to get my 3DWS models into the Leadwerks engine?



Vickie :)

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You must use the 3dw2gmf.exe tool from the SDK.

In the Power Tutorial I wrote a little helper tool also which makes it drag and drop action:


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Ill post up my arch_pipeline with 3dws in my blog soon.

Currently i use export to dbo/b3d, untriangulate ( maybe for collision mesh, dont know just yet ) and export to gmf within UU3D.

The scaling was something i needed to figure out, plus b3d keeps everything intact so i dont export 'straight' with 3dw2gmf.exe.

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@ Eagle - i observed you name showed up in the old forum so i just wrote UU3D. ;)


Actually there is not much too it atm.


3dws Units to Le Units :

exported from world studio and * 0.0078125 for Le (1:1)
exported from world studio and * 0.0156250 for Le (1:0.5) etc.

export [b]to[/b] 3D world Studio : use le world size (metric) inside UU3D and *64.00 before exporting.

scale at UU3D world`s origin.

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Thanks Flachdrache,

I've used that program a long time ago, I should check it out again.

I wonder how hard it would be to talk Josh into writing a converter

for 3DWS, that way it would convert the textures and everything all

at once. Or maybe have 3DWS support .DDS so the conversion to the

Leadwerks engine would be seamless.


Just a thought~



Vickie ;)

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Le`s gmf just looks for material names like "theWild_door2Clean" doesnt matters if bmp or dds ( or some other 3dws supported ) -

however, dds alpha channels will show up as transparent, so it might be wise to keep the dds files in the leadwerks project and just use jpg within 3dws.


Before i start to texture my level geometry i paint every surface with a invisible.jpg, with the hope that ill get no unwanted/overlooked surfaces casting shadows.


There is a secret i cant share atm though - basically i can output hundreds of highres textures a day. ;)

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right, I guess what I am trying to say is it would be nice to have a finished model from 3DWS that I didn't have to do anything else to in order for it to work in Leadwerks. After you make your model and move your stuff into the "Models" folder, you still have to make a .mat and .phy files. It would be cool if 3DWS worked natively with the Leadwerks engine, thats all I'm saying.



Vickie :D

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It can be done my fair lady. I've actually had in mind for some time to make somekind of visual IDE for LE, where drag and drop is in the main focus. Surely it can't be running LE since it would take all FPS away, so it has to be some immediate mode OpenGL app.

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  On 7/23/2010 at 10:41 PM, Eagle said:

right, I guess what I am trying to say is it would be nice to have a finished model from 3DWS that I didn't have to do anything else to in order for it to work in Leadwerks. After you make your model and move your stuff into the "Models" folder, you still have to make a .mat and .phy files. It would be cool if 3DWS worked natively with the Leadwerks engine, thats all I'm saying.

Would be nice to have a finished model from any major modelling app that we didn't have to do anything else to in order for it to work in Leadwerks but that's not Josh's style ... he's always gone for proprietary formats. I've learnt to live with the various pipelines now. Once you're set up for it it's not too much extra work! It still irritates me though that we have to have .obj versions of everything if we need to generate convex hull phy files. Bit of a flaw in the master plan that one!

Intel Core i5 2.66 GHz, Asus P7P55D, 8Gb DDR3 RAM, GTX460 1Gb DDR5, Windows 7 (x64), LE Editor, GMax, 3DWS, UU3D Pro, Texture Maker Pro, Shader Map Pro. Development language: C/C++

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