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LME: advanced materials for Arbuz 2.2 GMF exporter and Leadwerks 2.32 shaders


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File Name: LME: advanced materials for Arbuz 2.2 GMF exporter and Leadwerks 2.32 shaders

File Submitter: Aily

File Submitted: 13 Aug 2010

File Updated: 01 Oct 2010

File Category: Tools and Utilities




What you se in 3DSMAX viewport is what you get in Leadwerks application!


1. Diffuse, bump, bump scale, cubemap reflection, specular,glossiness, map for masc spec/gloss/reflect.

2. 2 layer with same (diffuse,bump, etc...) now mixing by texture mask (in second coord channel)

3. GI map from 3DSMAX.

For this feature some reworked standart Leadwerks lighting shaders.

4. Now textures copy is working.

5. Viewport shadows now working!


Wee checked VertexColor mix speed, and it decrase FPS about 50%. So wee discard this solution and added mixing by texture mask (it decrase only 10-20% speed)


Video is not actual anymore, because of many changes...


You need Arbuz GMF exporter 2.2 and Leadwerks 2.32


1. download it


2. unpack 3DSMAX_LME to any folder you want.


3. copy updated GMF_MaterialExporter.ms from 3DSMAX_LME to yours 3DSMAX/scripts/startup folder (replace standart Arbuz's exporter).

Don't warry, i not changing standart exporter code, just added some new fatures to export LME.


4. Copy LME.fx viewport shader to your 3DSMAX/maps/fx folder (all standart fx viewport shaders are there)


5. open 3DS MAX and load 3DSMAX_LME\viewer\data\model\scene.max

if all done correct you will see scene with 3 realtime viewport materials.


5. Now copy form 3DSMAX_LME\viewer\shaders\mesh this files




to your's shaders/mesh folder

and copy form 3DSMAX_LME\viewer\shaders\lighting this files



(it is needed because ambient calculation(neeg for GI map) now written in mesh.frag shaders, not in AmbientLight.frag as by default)


6. Now you can use LME materials in Leadwerks


Thanks to Omid for idea, video tutorial and beta testing.

Many thanks to Arbuz for exporter.


Click here to download this file

"Better" is big enemy of "good"

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  On 8/17/2010 at 10:54 PM, Josh said:

Is that a texture splatting material?


Yes, and you draw in realtime just in 3DS MAX viewport, and you cam see same picture in MAX viewport, and in Your's engine. It is easy way to model levels for 3DS MAX users.


I modified some your standart shader code to blend cubemap reflection strength with vertex color.R * mask. And make my own MAX viewport HLSL shader, that using almost same algorhytm .


I still have not time to make some video about this tool :)

"Better" is big enemy of "good"

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Yeah that's cool! Blender Game Engine has this built in too. Hopefully Leadwerks 3.0 can have some sort of Zbrush GoZ equivolent in it that's compatible with every program under the sun. :lol:

Core I5 2.67 / 16GB RAM / GTX 670

Zbrush/ Blender / Photoshop CS6 / Renoise / Genetica / Leadwerks 3

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  • 2 weeks later...
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  • 9 months later...
  On 7/16/2011 at 10:35 AM, Ywa said:

Could you re-upload the latest version? I'm very interested in this.


Here is it



It's not tested by anyone, and me myself stoped to work with it, so there can be some bugs, but those video i was maked by exact this shaders.

"Better" is big enemy of "good"

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  • 1 year later...

Is there a stand-alone version for this material editor ?


The one you showed here http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/2491-material-editor-for-leadwerks-alpha/ looks great and seems to be a stand alone version. But the download links are not working any more. Where can I have that version ?

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