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math_counter (Test Entity)


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I would like some people to look at and find some ways to test out my math_counter entity.


Attached Downloads section links are included to an improved base.lua file and the Counter.zip file archive. base.lua just has an added function entity:RelayMessage(message,delay,extra), which simply sends the message to all 8 targets of the entity that you call RelayMessage for.





Base Lua:



The Counter folder should be placed in SDK Root/Models/Entities/Math/.


(Idea/Icon/Names entirely stolen from Source Engine's Hammer -> math_counter on Source Engine Dev Wiki)

Here is a little write-up the entity, what it does, and how to use it:


Name: Math Counter



Description: Stores a number (integer or floating point) value and manipulates it via Increments, Decrements, forced Set, Add, Subtract, Multiply, and Divide. It has a startvalue, which is what value will reset to if reset is true and it hits the max or min values.

Keys: Start Value, Value, Minimum Legal Value, Maximum Legal Value, Reset (Code friendly: startvalue, value, min, max, reset)


Receivable Messages:

  • add(number) - Adds the given number to the value. Triggers outvalue always and passes value as extra. Triggers onhitmin and/or onhitmax if the value is now >= max or <= min. Resets value to startvalue if reset is true.
  • subtracts(number) - Subtracts the given number from the value. Triggers outvalue always and passes value as extra. Triggers onhitmin and/or onhitmax if the value is now >= max or <= min. Resets value to startvalue if reset is true.
  • multiply(number) - Multiplies value by the given number. Triggers outvalue always and passes value as extra. Triggers onhitmin and/or onhitmax if the value is now >= max or <= min. Resets value to startvalue if reset is true.

  • divide(number) - Divides the value by the given number. NOTE: If number is 0, it is set to 1 to prevent divide by zero errors. Triggers outvalue always and passes value as extra. Triggers onhitmin and/or onhitmax if the value is now >= max or <= min. Resets value to startvalue if reset is true.
  • setvalue(number) - Sets the value to the given number. Triggers outvalue always and passes value as extra. Triggers onhitmin and/or onhitmax if the value is now >= max or <= min.
  • setvaluenofire(number) - Sets the value to the given number. Triggers no other events. Use this or directly set the entity key to set the value for future checks and operations.
  • setmin(number) - Sets the minimum legal value to the given number. Triggers no other events.
  • setmax(number) - Sets the maximum legal value to the given number. Triggers no other events.
  • getvalue - Sends the "ongetvalue" message to the entity that sent the "getvalue" message, and passes value. This is best used for entities that are not a target of the counter and need to know the counter's value, or for target's that want to circumvent "setvaluenofire"'s purpose.

Sent Messages:

  • onhitmax(self) - Sent when value is >= max. Passes the entity itself as extra.
  • onhitmin(self) - Sent when value is <= min. Passes the entity itself as extra.
  • outvalue(number) - Sent anytime the value is set (exceptions for entity key directly or via setvaluenofire). Passes the value as extra.
  • ongetvalue(number) - Sent to any entity that sends the counter the getvalue message. Passes the value as extra.

Please try this out!




52t__nvidia.png nVidia 530M cpu.gif Intel Core i7 - 2.3Ghz 114229_30245_16_hardware_memory_ram_icon.png 8GB DDR3 RAM Windows7_Start.gif Windows 7 Ultimate (64x)


IconVisualStudio16.png Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate google-Chrome.png Google Chrome PhotoshopLinkIndicator.png Creative Suite 5 icon28.gif FL Studio 10 MicrosoftOfficeLive.png Office 15


csharp.png Expert cpp.png Professional lua_icon.png Expert BMX Programmer



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  • 2 weeks later...

I think this is a great idea. I haven't had a chance to test/use it though. I don't have a need for this just yet and working on a few other things. The only issue I have is the need for a custom base lua file. This isn't really your fault though as the way this was presented to us wasn't the best solution, but I think it's a big problem for distributing objects.

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You don't really need the custom base.lua file, you can just move the implementation of entity:RelayMessage into the math_counter.lua script itself.

52t__nvidia.png nVidia 530M cpu.gif Intel Core i7 - 2.3Ghz 114229_30245_16_hardware_memory_ram_icon.png 8GB DDR3 RAM Windows7_Start.gif Windows 7 Ultimate (64x)


IconVisualStudio16.png Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate google-Chrome.png Google Chrome PhotoshopLinkIndicator.png Creative Suite 5 icon28.gif FL Studio 10 MicrosoftOfficeLive.png Office 15


csharp.png Expert cpp.png Professional lua_icon.png Expert BMX Programmer



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Because I made the modified base.lua 3 days before I made math_counter, in an attempt to expand the base of the framework to support a Hammer-Like Input/Output system.



52t__nvidia.png nVidia 530M cpu.gif Intel Core i7 - 2.3Ghz 114229_30245_16_hardware_memory_ram_icon.png 8GB DDR3 RAM Windows7_Start.gif Windows 7 Ultimate (64x)


IconVisualStudio16.png Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate google-Chrome.png Google Chrome PhotoshopLinkIndicator.png Creative Suite 5 icon28.gif FL Studio 10 MicrosoftOfficeLive.png Office 15


csharp.png Expert cpp.png Professional lua_icon.png Expert BMX Programmer



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