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How to use parallax?

Wild Cat

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Hi !


I had the same problem. The parallax effect is not obvious to use because we must not forget to put a alpha layer in your texture ...


If you use the POM.FRAG, the default settings in the MESH.FRAG do not get the correct effect.


I have implemented it in the next release of ADN, which makes it easier to configure, it will come out in a few days

ADN Material editor

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  On 8/23/2010 at 9:01 AM, Icare said:

Hi !


I had the same problem. The parallax effect is not obvious to use because we must not forget to put a alpha layer in your texture ...


If you use the POM.FRAG, the default settings in the MESH.FRAG do not get the correct effect.


I have implemented it in the next release of ADN, which makes it easier to configure, it will come out in a few days

ADN Material editor


1) I have made an alpha channel to all textures. Compression is dxt5. Nothing changed.


2) In ADN I have an error:




3) Tommorow I'll try to use POM.FRAG.


P.S. If anybody wants, I could upload a material file with textures.

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  On 8/24/2010 at 8:55 PM, Wild Cat said:

2) In ADN I have an error:





That is not an ADN error. You are using a version of ADN that doesn't have the parallax option built in... try downloading the one that was released today.

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Use this material:





The heightmap should be packed into the alpha channel of the diffuse texture. This eliminates one texture lookup, which will make it faster.

My job is to make tools you love, with the features you want, and performance you can't live without.

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I found why your parallax effect doesn't work, your alpha channel on diffuse is completely white texture like said Josh


APHA channel of the diffuse texture mustrepresent your image. You can get something not too badly with :

- get the negative off diffuse

- increase her brightness

- glue the result in your alpha channel



You use an older version of ADN that not support Parallax, go to the main post and download the 1.1. After you must select the material type on PARALLAX not DIFFUSE



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  On 8/25/2010 at 1:08 AM, Josh said:

Use this material:





The heightmap should be packed into the alpha channel of the diffuse texture. This eliminates one texture lookup, which will make it faster.


I did it. In Material Editor nothing changes. In model viewer too. For packing i'm using DirectX Texture Tool, is it okay?


But why I could not see any shader effect in editor or model viewer?


P.S. Also, I tried using shader="abstract::mesh_diffuse_bumpmap_parallax.vert","abstract::mesh_diffuse_bumpmap_specular_pom.frag".


P.P.S. I think, something wrong is with light, or model. Soon I'll try another model.

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Sorry, the frag shader should actually be "mesh_diffuse_bumpmap_specular_pom.frag".


Parallax occlusion mapping (POM) is the raised effect I think you want. Plain parallax mapping is just sort of an enhanced bumpmap. I honestly don't even remember exactly what it does, and it should probably be removed.

My job is to make tools you love, with the features you want, and performance you can't live without.

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