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Videos in the editor?

Richard Simpson

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This may be a bit of a pointless question. But i'm wondering if we will ever have the ability to drop a movie into the editor?


Just wondering how this would work also. would you apply the movie file to a surface, just like a normal texture? I'm asking about this as I could find it useful in the future, but im not a programmer. So wouldn't know how to make this work myself.



Intel core 2 quad 6600 | Nvidia Geforce GTX460 1GB | 2GB DDR2 Ram | Windows 7.


Google Sketchup | Photoshop | Blender | UU3D | Leadwerks Engine 2.4

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  On 8/28/2010 at 10:51 PM, Aggror said:



MM when i drag this into the editor, i get an error message saying its failed to load the video.lua file followed by another box saying "system error 14001"


This also happens when i enter game mode. (image)


I get these messages when dragging in the TV mesh, when starting game mode, and when ending game mode.

post-10-056239500 1283042599_thumb.jpg

Intel core 2 quad 6600 | Nvidia Geforce GTX460 1GB | 2GB DDR2 Ram | Windows 7.


Google Sketchup | Photoshop | Blender | UU3D | Leadwerks Engine 2.4

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Ok I dropped the tv into 2.4 , and it loads fine (just no video)


Then i exit the editor and check the log file:


Leadwerks Engine 2.40
Initializing Renderer...
OpenGL Version: 3.3.0
GLSL Version: 3.30 NVIDIA via Cg compiler
Render device: GeForce 8800 GT/PCI/SSE2
Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
DrawBuffers2 supported: 1
32 texture units supported.
GPU instancing supported: 1
Max batch size: 64
Shader model 4.0 supported: 1
Conditional render supported: 0
Loading shader "c:/lwe-2.4/shaders/query.vert", ""...
Invoking script "C:/LWE-2.4/Scripts/start/collisions.lua"...
Invoking script "C:/LWE-2.4/Scripts/start/fliphook.lua"...
Invoking script "C:/LWE-2.4/Scripts/start/globals.lua"...
Loading shader "", "incbin::../../TerrainColorAndLight.frag"...
Loading shader "", "incbin::../../TerrainColorAndLight.frag"...
Loading texture "c:/lwe-2.4/models/entities/light/directional/light_directional_icon.dds"...
Loading model "c:/lwe-2.4/models/entities/light/directional/light_directional.gmf"...
Loading mesh "c:/lwe-2.4/models/entities/light/directional/light_directional.gmf"...
Loading material "c:/lwe-2.4/materials/effects/invisible.mat"...
Loading script "c:/lwe-2.4/models/entities/light/directional/light_directional.lua"...
Creating class light_directional
Loading shader "c:/lwe-2.4/shaders/postfilters/postfilter.vert", "c:/lwe-2.4/shaders/postfilters/clearcolor.frag"...
Loading shader "c:/lwe-2.4/shaders/guide.vert", "c:/lwe-2.4/shaders/editor/guide.frag"...
Loading shader "c:/lwe-2.4/shaders/pointentity.vert", "c:/lwe-2.4/shaders/pointentity.frag"...
Loading shader "c:/lwe-2.4/shaders/guide.vert", "c:/lwe-2.4/shaders/editor/grid.frag"...
Loading shader "incbin::../../selection.vert", "incbin::../../selection.frag"...
Loading texture "incbin::noise.dds"...
Loading shader "c:/lwe-2.4/shaders/postfilters/postfilter.vert", "c:/lwe-2.4/shaders/lighting/directionallight.frag"...
Loading shader "c:/lwe-2.4/shaders/postfilters/postfilter.vert", "c:/lwe-2.4/shaders/postfilters/postfilter.frag"...
Loading shader "c:/lwe-2.4/shaders/postfilters/postfilter.vert", "c:/lwe-2.4/shaders/postfilters/depthblit.frag"...
Loading texture "incbin::Arial9.dds"...
Loading model "c:/lwe-2.4/models/old-tv/old-tv.gmf"...
Loading mesh "c:/lwe-2.4/models/old-tv/old-tv.gmf"...
Loading material "c:/lwe-2.4/models/old-tv/screen.mat"...
Loading texture "c:/lwe-2.4/models/old-tv/screen.dds"...
Loading shader "c:/lwe-2.4/shaders/mesh/mesh_diffuse.vert", "c:/lwe-2.4/shaders/mesh/mesh_diffuse.frag"...
Loading material "c:/lwe-2.4/models/old-tv/old-tv.mat"...
Loading texture "c:/lwe-2.4/models/old-tv/old-tv.dds"...
Loading texture "c:/lwe-2.4/models/old-tv/old-tvdot3.dds"...
Loading shader "c:/lwe-2.4/shaders/mesh/mesh_diffuse_bumpmap.vert", "c:/lwe-2.4/shaders/mesh/mesh_diffuse_bumpmap_specular.frag"...
Loading script "c:/lwe-2.4/models/old-tv/old-tv.lua"...
Creating class old-tv
Loading material "c:/lwe-2.4/video.mat"...
Loading shader "c:/lwe-2.4/shaders/mesh/mesh_diffuse.vert", "c:/lwe-2.4/shaders/mesh_video.frag"...
Warning: Failed to load fragment shader file "c:/lwe-2.4/shaders/mesh_video.frag".
Loading shader "c:/lwe-2.4/shaders/mesh/mesh_shadow.vert", ""...
Deleting material reference "c:/lwe-2.4/models/old-tv/screen.mat"
Deleting shader "c:/lwe-2.4/shaders/mesh/mesh_diffuse.vert|c:/lwe-2.4/shaders/mesh/mesh_diffuse.frag||120".
Loading shader "c:/lwe-2.4/shaders/mesh/mesh.vert", "c:/lwe-2.4/shaders/mesh/mesh.frag"...
Freeing class light_directional
Freeing class old-tv
Deleting mesh reference "c:/lwe-2.4/models/entities/light/directional/light_directional.gmf"
Deleting mesh reference "c:/lwe-2.4/models/old-tv/old-tv.gmf"
Invoking script "C:/LWE-2.4/Scripts/start/collisions.lua"...
Invoking script "C:/LWE-2.4/Scripts/start/fliphook.lua"...
Invoking script "C:/LWE-2.4/Scripts/start/globals.lua"...
Deleting model reference "c:/lwe-2.4/models/old-tv/old-tv.gmf".
Deleting model reference "c:/lwe-2.4/models/entities/light/directional/light_directional.gmf".
Deleting material reference "c:/lwe-2.4/video.mat"


notice the warning:

Warning: Failed to load fragment shader file "c:/lwe-2.4/shaders/mesh_video.frag".


I think thats the problem , how to fix it :huh: pfftt



Gimpy73 :)

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Ok Richard


Make sure you put these files in the correct directories:




LEThora.dll , Lua5.1.dll , lua51.dll , libtheoraplayer.dll .

(These all go into the root of your LWE install directory)


EG: my setup = c:\LWE-2.4\


Video.mat goes into the materials folder of your LWE install directory


EG: my setup = c:\LWE-2.4\Materials\


nio_util.lua , video.lua go into the scripts folder of your LWE install directory


EG: my setup = c:\LWE-2.4\Scripts\


mesh_video.frag goes into the shaders\mesh folder of your LWE install directory


EG: my setup = c:\LWE-2.4\Shaders\Mesh\


trailer_400p.ogg/bunny.ogg need to also go into the root of your LWE install directory


EG: my setup = c:\LWE-2.4\


Hope this helps m8 :huh:




Gimpy73 :)

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