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Contoller and stairs


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  On 12/3/2009 at 8:49 PM, cassius said:

My player has difficulty climbing stairs. It gets half way up then stops. I have a cube in front of it. Whats the best way to give it more impetus?


Wait what? You're using a cube for the player collision data?


Unless. .. I mean if you've got a cube in the way, then one would guess that's why you can't get up the stairs.


Can you rephrase your question?


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without the cube collision with objects did not look right, the controller seemed to pass thru them and although it did knock them over you could not see the collision clearly.The wiki tutorial uses a cube.

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what are you using for an acceleration value for the UpdateController command? That increases the acceleration of your controller (and inversely the deceleration). What is the mass you have set to your controller? A controller with a much higher mass than the object it collides with will react differently than when the two are closer in mass. Also, play around with the iterations value (the parameter after the acceleration parameter in UpdateController), because according to the wiki:

The iterations parameter controls how many times collision is calculated. Using several iterations can make motion appear smoother when a camera is attached to the controller. However, an iterations value of one is enough for controllers that do not control the view.

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Thanks maclebee. I am using the listing you gave the community. I have added a cube (invisible) and parented to the controller. It works fine for collisions but need a bit more impetus going up stairs. I will check acceleration.

amd quad core 4 ghz / geforce 660 ti 2gb / win 10

Blender,gimp,silo2,ac3d,,audacity,Hexagon / using c++

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