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Weird Performance Issues


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Hello, I was having some trouble with my computer. Explorer hangs a lot and the file system seems to have a problem. I could handle the occasional hang until Leadwerks started causing my system to freeze without an error message. So anyways windows doesn't find a problem, my anti virus doesn't find a problem so I just start doing stuff. I deactivate Aero, and install new gpu drivers. Good news Leadwerks performance is increased by some 20-25%. But system still has the same problems.


So I ran CHKDSK and it said harddrive was 100% fine. I looked at defrag, and my scheduled weekly defragmentation has my harddrive 0% fragmented, but I ran defrag anyways manually.


I test out Leadwerks, now Leadwerks editor and in game runs at 3x-4x the fps it did before!


In the editor it runs at real time, but when I press play it all slows down to .5 speed.


And my computer's windows explorer is still hanging. I have no idea what is going on here.


But I'll say that the desert high way level used to run at 46 fps when I had full screen 1680x1050 with all effects on. Now it runs at 206fps.


It is probably not a GPU problem, because I have 2 GTX 275. And I have swapped them out, to run them individually and they both seem to be working fine. And their fans seem to be running okay.


I have a 5 million polygon scene running at 55 fps.


Okay... right now every 3d app I have is running 2-4x faster. But whenever I enter the game mode of Leadwerks editor the fps stays high, but the app speed seems to be running in slow motion kind of likd bullet time. I tested out 3dCoat and it's like 3x faster, blender game engine is 2x faster.

Core I5 2.67 / 16GB RAM / GTX 670

Zbrush/ Blender / Photoshop CS6 / Renoise / Genetica / Leadwerks 3

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My Explorer is also toast, so I started to write my own Explorer. You can close all Explorer.exe processes from Task Manager and see if that helps. You can then still launch programs from Task Manager or from the command prompt. You could basically just write batch files to replace the desktop icons and to launch your programs, if you're not going to write your own Explorer.


Also when you look at Microsoft Support's answers to similar problems, the usual solution seems to be to disable or uninstall Windows components and use 3rd party replacements. Windows Media player can also get corrupted, and then it helps to uninstall it and use VLC.

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I tried msconfig and disabled steam, realplayer, and other superfluous services. It seems that my explorer is more stable so far in the small bit of testing I've done. But I've lost all my performance gains. =(




Example: Blender game engine scene went from 1500fps, down to 500 now.


3dCoat 16 million vox object went from 50fps down to 20.


Leadwerks 5 mil poly scene went from 55fps to 22.

Core I5 2.67 / 16GB RAM / GTX 670

Zbrush/ Blender / Photoshop CS6 / Renoise / Genetica / Leadwerks 3

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Holy ****! Suppose thats down to 50 from 150 :)


Anyway. Whenever a PC is borked that far I would save yourself the trouble of trying to get it to run smoothly again. Shutting down services that would run just fine in the background before is not solving your problem, at best it is masquerading it. In the long run, a clean install is the only thing that will get your PC in proper shape again.

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From the first post, I should point out the defraggers are preying on insecure minds. NTFS doesn't dramatically slow down with heavy fragmentation, the same way FAT32 did. I don't know where your speed boost came from, most likely new drivers, but I can say, almost for certain that your defragging will have given you no speed increase whatsoever. Like ext2 file system, the slowdown in NTFS due to fragmentation is minimal at most.


The best way to increase speed on your system in to turn off any on-access scanning part of your antivirus package, but I'm sure I don't need to say how dangerous that is...

LE Version: 2.50 (Eventually)

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  On 9/5/2010 at 1:16 PM, Laurens said:

Holy ****! Suppose thats down to 50 from 150 :)


Anyway. Whenever a PC is borked that far I would save yourself the trouble of trying to get it to run smoothly again. Shutting down services that would run just fine in the background before is not solving your problem, at best it is masquerading it. In the long run, a clean install is the only thing that will get your PC in proper shape again.


Realplayer in particular had been given me trouble for a long time. I'm thinking what happened is that maybe realplayer was doing it's usual business of not working properly at the same time that maybe something important was going on and then it screwed some part of itself up or something.


Steam's automatically running on startup was annoying me anyway.


Hopefully I'm not borked! :(

Core I5 2.67 / 16GB RAM / GTX 670

Zbrush/ Blender / Photoshop CS6 / Renoise / Genetica / Leadwerks 3

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I may be way of base here but can't you just discard RealPlayer, install the K-Lite codec pack and just use Windows Media Player or something else that does not run in the background?


You could also try using system restore to restore before the point where you had the slowdown.

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Did you change the vertical sync setting in the options in the editor?


Since the CPU manufacturers decided to totally obsfucate their hardware through bizarre naming schemes, I can't actually tell how many cores your CPU has.

My job is to make tools you love, with the features you want, and performance you can't live without.

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To help with Explorer freezing, try this:


1. Open Folder and View options

2. Go to the "View" tab

3. Check the option that says something along the lines of "Run each Explorer window in its own process"

4. Hit Apply


I just discovered this, and as far as I can tell giving each Explorer window its own process takes up a little more RAM but helps prevent one window locking the rest up.

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