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Purebasic Import - 1st try


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But I still wouldn't use it for something like LeadWerks. Some of the way PureBasic handles things is a real pain.

LOL :P you say that because you don't want to be the teacher that writes purebasic tutorials ;)


I did not use purebasic enought to fully understand if it's a pain or not. Sure the language is a little basic (i like pleonasms :blink:) but if you know only this one and like it, maybe why not.


The biggest disavantage is that you'll get less help from the purebasic community than from the c++ community if you were a beginner. So for beginners who can't find solutions by themselves, C++ is much much much better, i agree.

Windows 7 home - 32 bits

Intel Quad Q6600 - nVidia GTX 460 1GB - 2 GB RAM

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okay -


i found my problem why i don´t see water etc. - i thx wchriss for his working example.


My Fault was - that i do this code:



framework = LECreateFramework()


If framework >0


Lua = LEGetLuaState()

LELua_pushobject(Lua, framework );

LELua_setglobal(Lua, "framework ");

LELua_pop(Lua, 1);



if i renamed framework to fw - all works fine - water - sky etc. - sorry for this and thx.

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if i renamed framework to fw - all works fine - water - sky etc. - sorry for this and thx.

you can call your variable framework


only here LELua_setglobal(Lua, "fw");


"fw" is not a variable, it's leadwerks engine internally predefined name used to link the engine framework to your external variable. So this "fw" within quotes cannot be changed, it must match the name defined in the engine.

Windows 7 home - 32 bits

Intel Quad Q6600 - nVidia GTX 460 1GB - 2 GB RAM

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you can call your variable framework


only here LELua_setglobal(Lua, "fw");


"fw" is not a variable, it's leadwerks engine internally predefined name used to link the engine framework to your external variable. So this "fw" within quotes cannot be changed, it must match the name defined in the engine.


Thx for explaining me. I now renamed it to framework and all works fine.

But now i got another Problem - if i include i the headgen with xinclude i mmust correct to set the leadwerks.pb variables global - otherwise it crashes. Mybay you can correct this in new headgen version. try use enableexplecit command in PB.



2nd: i got a litte problem 2 handle vec3 results.

My code:


 While (LEKeyHit(#KEY_ESCAPE)=0) And (LEAppTerminate()=0)

  ;-Mouse Look


        camrotation=LEEntityRotation(camera,Vec3(VResult, mouse_y.f, mouse_x.f, 0))
        LERotateEntity(camera,Vec3(VResult, camrotationy.f, camrotationx.f, 0))

;-Player movement        

 ;-Set cntroller Input     
      LEUpdateController(player,Vec3(VResult, camrotationy.f, camrotationx.f, 0),move,strafe,jumo,0.5);

 ;- PosCam 
[b]      ; *y.playerpos=*y.playerpos+1.75
     ; LEPositionEntity(camery,playerpos)[/b]


when i un-rem the bolden codelines (the last 2 lines) i get enginecrashes - don´t know @ this time how to handle correct 2 use the playercontroller und position wit Vec3.

Maybe someone can help me out.


Thx a lot


PS: i added as attachment the updated leadwerks-include with global variables if someone would like to xinclude in projects (And as backup for myself ;) - i like backups in the cloud G*).


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[b]      ; *y.playerpos=*y.playerpos+1.75
     ; LEPositionEntity(camery,playerpos)[/b]


ok, i'll update the generator to add global before the wrappers


what is *y .playerpos ? why not playerpos\Y ?

and what is camery ? :P this is what happens with languages that are not strict on variable declarations :lol:


There is an option in purebasic to force variable declarations, maybe you should activate it.


and this is wrong : playerpos=LEEntityPosition(player,Vec3(VResult))

because the C++ header transforms the engine .dll procedure into a function and the purebasic header currently doesn't


it is declared like this : Prototype LEEntityPosition ( entity.i, *position.TVec3, Globaly.i=0 )


so i don't understand why purebasic accepts your syntax and does not complain he has nothing to assign to playerpos because the prototype is not a function ?????


the current syntax in purebasic is : LEEntityPosition(player, playerpos, 0)


if we find a way to transform procedures that return 1 value into functions, why not. i did it in the pascal header, but i currently don't know how to do it in purebasic. Without this, you'll have to be careful and look at the prototypes when traducing c++ tutorials because syntax may differ (but not allways, because sometimes engine.dll exports functions, there is no rule).


Daamn ! i'm teaching purebasic with a trial version after reading a pdf documentation 10 minutes ;) crazy me !

Windows 7 home - 32 bits

Intel Quad Q6600 - nVidia GTX 460 1GB - 2 GB RAM

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Daamn ! i'm teaching purebasic with a trial version after reading a pdf documentation 10 minutes ;) crazy me !


Yes Man - your good in :lol: - sorry but i am not a programmer - i am a network technican and a little bit hobby programming learner.


what is *y .playerpos ? why not playerpos\Y ?


i tried playerpos\Y - but it want work - i defined


Structure playerpos






but it also don´t work.



mmhm - think i am a little lost - because i don´t understand how to get 3 variables into one -> playerpos=LEEntityPosition(player,Vec3(VResult)) and then use them with LEPositionEntity(camera,playerpos,0)


This want work:








my actual complete code - looks like:



XIncludeFile ("hw_engine.pbi")

;XIncludeFile ("hw_controlcam.pbi")
;XIncludeFile ("hw_screenrequester.pbi")

Define VResult.TVec3   ;if an expression requires more than one vec3 then define VResult2.TVec3, VResult3TVec3, etc ... for each vec3
Define sx.i
Define sy.i
Define framework.i
Define Lua.i
Define Camera.i
Define scene.i
Define player.i
Define font.i

Define move.f
Define strafe.f
Define jump.f

Define camrotation
Define camrotation_x.f
Define camrotation_y.f

Define mouse_x.f
Define mouse_y.f

Define playerpos

LESetAppTitle("Hiveworx Framework")

sx = 1024
sy = 768

If LEGraphics(sx,sy)>0
  framework = LECreateFramework()

  If framework>0    

     Lua = LEGetLuaState()
     LELua_pushobject(Lua, framework);
     LELua_setglobal(Lua, "fw");
     LELua_pop(Lua, 1);

     Camera = LEGetLayerCamera(LEGetFrameworkLayer(0))
     LEPositionEntity(camera, Vec3(VResult,0, 350,0))

     scene = LELoadScene("abstract::test001.sbx")

     player = LECreateController(1.8,0.4,0.5,45,0)






    XIncludeFile ("hw_grafikoptionen.pbi")

    While (LEKeyHit(#KEY_ESCAPE)=0) And (LEAppTerminate()=0)

  ;-Mouse Look


        camrotation=LEEntityRotation(camera,Vec3(VResult, mouse_y.f, mouse_x.f, 0))
        LERotateEntity(camera,Vec3(VResult, camrotation_y.f, camrotation_x.f, 0))

;-Player movement        

 ;-Set controller Input     
      LEUpdateController(player,Vec3(VResult, camrotation_y.f, camrotation_x.f, 0),move,strafe,jump,0.5);

      ;- Position Camera


       LEUpdateFramework() ;Update timing And world
        LERenderFramework() ;Render


        LEDrawText("CamPosX: ",800,20)
        LEDrawText("CamPosY: ",800,40)
        LEDrawText("CamPosZ: ",800,60)


        LEFlip(0) ;Send to screen


     LEAppLog("ERROR: Failed to create Framework")

  LEAppLog("ERROR: Failed to create or set graphics mode")




i commented out playerpos\y=playerpos\y+1.75 because don´t know how to define the structure.

Line LEPositionEntity(camera,playerpos,0) causes crashing the engine.



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Line LEPositionEntity(camera,playerpos,0) causes crashing the engine.


maybe because playerpos is wrong


do LEEntityPosition(player, playerpos, 0) instead of playerpos=LEEntityPosition(player,Vec3(VResult)) and see if it's better


i'll look at your code this weekend, thanks for posting, it's much easyer when code is supplyed



mmhm - think i am a little lost - because i don´t understand how to get 3 variables into one -> playerpos=LEEntityPosition(player,Vec3(VResult)) and then use them with LEPositionEntity(camera,playerpos,0)


With Purebasic you must learn everything you can about :

- pointers,

- procedures and "by reference parameters" and 'By Value" parameters.

- the difference between a procedure with procedurereturn and without procedurereturn

- how can a procedure return data without procedurereturn

- understand the difference between :

Prototype.i LESomethingh1 ( )

Prototype LESomethingh2 ( aaaaa.i )

Prototype LESomethingh3 ( *aaaaa.BYTE)



Purebasic is not easy at all, it makes heavy usage of pointers and has no abstraction layer to simplify your programming task.

So if you don't understand those concepts, you're just playing loto throwing commands hopiing it'll work, and you'll get Access violations every 5 minutes.


vec3 is a procedure with procedurereturn (wich equals a functiion in other languages) so you can say variable = function to get the value from procedurereturn. The Vresult is a dummy variable to store the result of the structure sent back by procedurereturn, this is needed because purebasic has problems with structures and procedurereturn. Vresult is a dummy variable only used in expressions where you want to use the function immediately and not need to keep the result after.

Is you have a specific variable to store the result and want to keet the value you can use it instead of vresult. like this LEPositionEntity(camera, Vec3(playerpos, playerpos\x, playerpos\y+10.75, playerpos\z),0)

but you can also write


LEPositionEntity(camera, playerpos,0)

in both case you MUST declare Define playerpos.Tvec3

because LEPositionEntity second parameter is a POINTER and a pointer can point to anything without type checking. This means it won't complain, but if the type provided is not the one expected it will symply CRASH.


here's your fixed code Camerasample.zip


Sorry, but learning you how to program in purebasic and how to use pointers is far out of scope of this forum. it's not an easy task, and pointers is a difficult concept to understand, nearly impossible in 5 lines of text in a forum.

Pointers is the main reason of ACCESS VIOLATIONS and this is why modern languages like java totally got rid of pointers. Even Microsoft engineers made plenty of AV (blue screens) with pointers in windows 95, they did not get better at programming with vista or seven, they simply use now modern object languages that do not require pointers.

So purebasic is a language that requires pointers and very good programming skills (not really what's expected from a basic) and you'll keep comming back here every 3 lines of codes you write with and AV that stops you if you don't masterize pointers.


PS: updated the header generator

Windows 7 home - 32 bits

Intel Quad Q6600 - nVidia GTX 460 1GB - 2 GB RAM

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