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Ati drivers 10.7 products weird physics


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Hi all


before updating the graphic driver to 10.7 on an HD 5850 with vista 64 with LE 2.40,

i never notice that:

at beginning of my scene all is ok but near the end of the terrain limit (20 meters ~=),

while playing with my car, jumping and crashing, suddenly the physics stops to respond :

the car stays in the air with no steer and a limited to nothing torque (wheels turning a bit then stop)


only solution is to start the scene again...


i try to add a "SetForce(model)" in z axis to force physics but only work a time...


is it the ATI driver or otherwise an Newton physics issue ?


i don't try to reverse driver, tricky thing i assume...


am i the only one in that case ?


thanks for answer or testimonies


Edited by diedir

AMD Ryzen 5900HX - Nvidia RTX 3070 - 32 Go - 1To SSD - W11

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What you describe sounds like your vehicle is reaching the end of the newton world.

Normally it is 500m in each direction (from Position 0,0,0).

Try SetWorldSize(Vec3(1000)) or even a bigger value.

(Win7 64bit) && (i7 3770K @ 3,5ghz) && (16gb DDR3 @ 1600mhz) && (Geforce660TI)

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I do usuallly SetWorldSize(Vec3(50000)); hasn't shown any negative aspects yet.

For camera range I set usually Vec2(0.001,5000), it's not too far, not too near and handles the retarted 32-bit float range nicely.

Additionally I need to set the camerarange for lights also (wtf? but this is how the engine "works"), if you want to have lights inside a light cage which "project" the cage outside.

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i found a big problem when my model hurts a big static model


when my model hurting static tubes in the AABB of the static model


then my car get frozen to static even adding force to move it fails


i put "worldsize" very big size with no luck, physics inside static physics not working for me.


after colliding with static meshes, the model sometimes flies far in the sky and get frozen;

the mass of the car is 2.0 to stick a bit with reality.

perhaps it is not enough ?

post-37-050473800 1284497525_thumb.jpg

AMD Ryzen 5900HX - Nvidia RTX 3070 - 32 Go - 1To SSD - W11

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