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Script to create roads?


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I put this request in a while ago but i seem to have lost it.


I'm still trying to work out if it's possible to programmatically add a road in the editor. I want to create a road several kilometres long with many nodes, and it would be great if I could start by scripting the placement of, for example, 20 nodes in a circle on the terrain.


Any ideas anybody? I made an attempt earlier to replicate entities, but they never got saved. Maybe there is something I can do to register the entities/nodes in the saved world file?

All the best,

Steve Vink

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This is how I tried to replicate my objects:




1. Create an entity (oildrum)

2. Add the CloneObject entity (just a cube to which I can attach a script)

3. Name the object to clone and the number of clones in the CloneObject parameters

4. Apply, and allow the script to clone away.


The script that is triggered follows:


	function object:CloneMe()

	SourceObject = object.model:GetKey("ObjectName")
	found = 0
	count = 0

	for k,v in pairs(objecttable) do
                       if SourceObject == GetEntityKey(v.model, "name") then
			found = 1
			tempModel = v.model

	if found == 1 then
		for i = 1, object.model:GetKey("ObjectCount") do
		Notify("Failed to find object " .. SourceObject,1)




As you can see in the screenshot the extra oildrum is not "registered" in the list of scene entities. The other problem I have is that the copy works, but trying to move the copy fails - object not found. This could be a simple logic error, or related to the entity not existing in the system.

All the best,

Steve Vink

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