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Decals again


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I saw some threads about decals, tried them, but engine cant find "bullethole.mat" ( http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?/topic/2786-decals-on-surface-from-bullets/ )

or cant render "dev_decal.mat" (i found this material in Decals folder, but can see nothing after shooting)


I would try to make my own decal material from this http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?/topic/439-are-decals-working-in-2-3/page__view__findpost__p__4152

but just interested: is there "official" way how to create decals in 2.40?

Working on LeaFAQ :)

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I tested this code

		//m_decalPos = TFormPoint(Vec3(pick.X,pick.Y,pick.Z), NULL, pick.entity);
		m_decalPos = Vec3(pick.X,pick.Y,pick.Z);

		TMesh _Decal = CreateDecal(pick.surface, m_decalPos, 20.0/16.0, 32); 

		EntityParent(_Decal , pick.entity, 0);
		PaintEntity(_Decal , LoadMaterial("abstract::dev_decal.mat"));

		AddMesh(_Decal , pick.entity);


and sometimes got a crash _Decal is "badPtr", sometimes right after starting level, sometimes after 20 shot.

Working on LeaFAQ :)

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This is my solution and video of crash: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=heo9ow3L8-0


I create that cube to be sure that linepick works correctly: after second click in another point cube moves there, but decal may be left on the first point. Idk why ingame video is looking too fast, but you can note that decals are not visible and no errors (except final crash)


Uploaded wrong archive... 0_0

Also, got crash while load EXE file... what is going on with my notebook? :D


Re-uploaded archive, get it from fresh 2.40 (even with new newton.dll)

Working on LeaFAQ :)

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  • 7 months later...





for your decal .mat file ...


you may need to adjust 20.0/16.0 in the creation of the decal .. to scale it.

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franck22000 originally posted a bug in the tracker about the impact on FPS when getting closer to decals. It was lost in the data loss. He needs to re-state the issue as Josh cant remember what it refers to.



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