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3 Problems with 3DWS


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A first - I tested the 3D World Studio, and I think it's great! I used Cartography Shop and liked it, but 3DWS is better I think, the terrain tools are great.


I used it for a week, and everything worked and was cool, but than, about 3 days ago, I got 3 problems...


First problem:

I've made a simple terrain and added some objects I made with 3DWS - then I exported it as a .x-file, but when I load it with DarkBasic Pro the program crashes.... I've made annother terrain with objects some days ago - no problem.... I can export and load it, and the program starts, and it works... I don't know why the second map doesn't work... there's no difference between the code in the program...


Second problem:

Since that with the first problem happended, 3DWS crashes when I'm working on a terrain, that means when I paint a terrain, sometimes it crashes... some days ago the program never crashed...


Third problem:

it's a simple problem I sometimes read in other treads, but I didn't found a solution... when I export a terrain with some objects as a .dbo-file, the terrain looks like in 3DWS, but the texture of the objects are not the same... that means, when I use for example a wood texture, the texture in the program looks in the program like a simple brown...


An edit for the first problem: when I export a map (consisting of a terrain and some objects) as a .dbo-file, the program works, it will not crash, but it dosn't look good (look at problem number 3) ...

Sorry for my bad English :P

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Maybe you could use Leadwerks Engine then? Because the GMF export from 3DWS works really well. I use it always and never had problems with it. Sure, a new engine costs money, but if it just works and you can make and finish games much faster and easier, it will pay itself back many hundred times. I bought also like 10 different engines, before I finally found Leadwerks Engine and saw that everything is so much easier with it.

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yeah, I think the Leadwerks Engine is cool, but I want to start with DBPro... the first game I want to make with DBPro... later I maybe use the Leadwerks Engine... I just need a program for terrain making, I started with T.ED, but to make it short - it's stuff... 3DWS is very good, if somebody could help me to find a solution for my problems...


annother point is - is the Leadwerks Engine compatible to DBPro? I don't want to lern C++, and Lua didn't work on my PC, but don't ask...


I just want to make a simple game, so I need 3DWS for the terrain...

Sorry for my bad English :P

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Well, Leadwerks Engine is in a way compatible with DBPro, as it has all the features DBPro has plus tons more ;)


C++ is not really that hard to learn, especially with a good simple kept book it's a joy to learn. The difficulty to learn in most languages is not the language itself, but the basic logic, which has actually nothing to do with computers, but just the logical and organized way how people think.


For example some people want that something big happens, but they don't understand that if it's a complex thing, they need to analyze the bigger problem and slice it up into smaller partial problems, until the smaller problems are small enough that they can be solved with a simple logic.

Ryzen 9 RX 6800M ■ 16GB XF8 Windows 11 ■
Ultra ■ LE 2.53DWS 5.6  Reaper ■ C/C++ C# ■ Fortran 2008 ■ Story ■
■ Homepage: https://canardia.com ■

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