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Desactivating linear fall off in 3DWS ?


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Hi, :)


I've bought 3D World Studio this afternoon and i like it so far, but i need to know how to get rid of the linear fall off completely.


In 3DWS, the directional light doesn't have linear fall off and this is good. I want the same result for the omni lights. I've tried to set the linear fall off to false in the light properties and also to increase the light range to 1000000000.But it doesn't seem to work, see the result : (with a white texture only)


Those circles represent the linear fall off and i don't like it.

In this simple scene there are :

->1 omni light in the fireplace 255,125,000, intensity set to 1.0 (mainlight), range set to 1000000000, linear fall off set to false.

->1 omni light in the middle of the room 255,125,000, intensity set to 0.25 (ambientlight), range set to 1000000000, linear fall off set to false.


Note that i have tried others ranges and with a lower range there are more circles drawn... That's why i set the range to 1000000000



Can you tell me how i desactivate the linear fall off (the circles), so that only the color of the light is drawn if there is no obstacle (else shadows are drawn) ?



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