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Codeblocks Template for Leadwerks Builder


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File Name: Codeblocks Template for Leadwerks Builder

File Submitter: roland

File Submitted: 30 May 2011

File Updated: 17 Jun 2011

File Category: Tools


C++ CodeBlocksTemplate for LEBuilder


Builds a CodeBlocks project containing the standard C++ Spinning Cube

Just import the zip-file in Leadwerks Builder


Click here to download this file

Roland Strålberg
Website: https://rstralberg.com

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is amazing, thanks for doing the work. I used CodeBlocks all of the time, but stopped using it for a while to use Visual Studio+LE

It's like JFK announcing the moon mission. He had no expertise in space travel, and no way of knowing if it would work. He just announced "we're going to the moon" and then they made it happen because everyone was on the same page and working towards the same goal. If he had said "well, let's get some people in space, and we'll see how far out we can get, and if I find someone to make a rocket strong enough, we could possibly approach the moon's orbit and maybe land" it wouldn't have happened.
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