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texture import


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i v a problem with importing a texture.

i v create a terrain. with the "paint-option" i want give the terrain a base texture but everytimes i add a texture an error "Failed to open texture ....dds" happens. whats wrong? i v convert a jpg to dds with the tool MakeDDS that come with lw. resolution of terrain and jpg/dds 512x512.

next problem : how i can import/use own layer in paint-option of the terrain-tool? if i double-click on a <empty>-layer only 5 folder (comes with lw) Arctic/Dessert/Forest/Mountain/Savannah and the "original Layer by lw" into it will be there. no own folders or layers into ...



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1) You must enable "Save MipMaps" in MakeDDS Options

2) LE2 does not use folders, but it has own tree system which comes from filename. For example terrain textures must be named like terrain_havannah_dirt.dds

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  On 6/22/2011 at 9:52 AM, Lumooja said:

1) You must enable "Save MipMaps" in MakeDDS Options

2) LE2 does not use folders, but it has own tree system which comes from filename. For example terrain textures must be named like terrain_havannah_dirt.dds


Hey Lumooja,

thx 4 reply.


1. i v looked at MakeDDS-Options. Savemipmaps is checked, rest of settings are unchecked. Format is DXTC5

2. if i v a dds file called terrain_underground.dds where i v to save it if no folders used in LW?

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So, i v created a folder in ...Materials\Terrain called TheSaint. In this folder i v put the png file of the texture and the dds file . Both files named terrain_TheSaint_underground. one with .dds and the other with .png. i clicked on terrain-tool Paint and there Base Texture. Go in folder ....\Materials\Terrain\TheSaint and select the terrain_TheSaint_underground.dds. But the same error happens : Failed to load texture !abstract::terrain_TheSaint_underground.dds". :)

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1) Try to make test texture which is 1024x1024

2) Try to save DDS with options: A8R8G8B8+MipMaps from Paint.NET, and not from MakeDDS.exe

3) If you have ATI graphics card, try to use older drivers

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i can do what ever i want, anytime the same error. i use PhotoShop CS5 extendet with NVIDIA DDS-Plugin. In Paint.net i cant find a option for save in dds and option for R8G8B8, so i use PS. All settings i tried but error error error in LW if i select the texture as Base Texure in Paint Tool of Terrain editing. perhaps i do anything wrong on create texture? i use a jpg file (with 512x512 pixels) (4 test i make it in 1024x1024 .... same problem) and save it as dds (in PhotoShop with the dds-plugin) . In LW Terrain-Editor i create a terrain with Sculp, then i click on Tool PAINT from Terrain Editor Top Right , On right side of the TextBox, called Base Texture, i click on the button, navigate to the folder where the dds file is in and select the texture file (dds-file). Now, if i click Open, the error is coming. What do i wrong?

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It works fine for me, except that it's black because you didn't save the MipMaps.

Then I opened the DDS in Paint.NET and saved it as A8R8G8B8+MipMaps and it showed a nice bright green grass in Editor when I put it in texture slot 1.

The error "Failed to load grassdot3.dds" has nothing to do with your texture, but Editor tries to load also a normal map, which most people don't have.

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I have no idea what the Base Texture field is used for, doesn't seem to have any effect when I put a texture there.

I use always texture slot 1 (there are 5 slots) for the base texture.

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  On 6/22/2011 at 3:56 PM, Lumooja said:

I have no idea what the Base Texture field is used for, doesn't seem to have any effect when I put a texture there.

I use always texture slot 1 (there are 5 slots) for the base texture.

It serve as a base texture which is laid out (non-tiled) over the whole terrain.

You wont see anything until you paint with any of the textures. You then regulate the amount of the base texture to be mixed with the painted texture with the blend parameter. 0 = base only, 50 = 50% base 50% texture, 100 = texture only



Roland Strålberg
Website: https://rstralberg.com

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