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LE2 future after LE3 see a daylight


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..i would like to know what future of LE2 will look like after LE3 came out..my concern is related to 2 projects done with LE, about to be released and in some time, need to be updated as well..however, im concerned due fact that there is a chance that LE2 going to be trashed, and while this is just my concern, I would like to know more about its future, particularly from Josh, but anyone else is welcome to share ideas/comments..also, im wondering, in case that LE2 is trashed, is source available for developers who have actual projects done with it, published,and required/oblidged to be maintained some future time ?? Im really and seriously interested to hear about this..


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I think I read somewhere that LE2 will be supported for a quite long time even after LE3 comes out, because there are already big game projects in development, and I think LE2 will be even still sold for some time after LE3 comes out.


How ever it will go, I can always trust that Josh won't drop support for customers who are seriously developing with any Leadwerks product.


And even in the worst case scenario, if Leadwerks for some reason didn't exist anymore, I have a backup plan: the source code. After checking legal rights and stuff, a source developers' committee could be formed who could then try to fix possible bugs or add new features, including a possible help of hired professional 3D developers.

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I agree, I suspect that a stable fully featured LE3 is still a year away and would expect LE2 to be sold and maintained for at least a year after that. However, buying the source code is I guess our only absolute long term guarantee of being able to enhance the current product!


It would be nice to have a definitive statement from Josh on future support for LE2.

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..I see..does maintenance including driver bux fixing ? Thats the only thing, far as im concerned, that i care about, because LE2 part i do use is actually renderer only..all other stuff are processed by other libraries, so I just wanna be sure that LE2 will be healthy in that particular field, for some reasonable future time. As for source (only in case LE2 is trashed), is it going to be free for developers whos continuing maintenance of their products, or at least cheaper then it is during period of active support and maintenance ??


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