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Exporting animations .obj from Blender


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Hi everyone I have just started using LE and I have a question about animation exporting: I have recently modelled and animated a zombie using Blender (it's a very simple model) and for importing my animation in LE I exported all my work in .obj format. Here is my problem: when I export it, the programme create for each frame of the animation an .obj file and i don't know how to import it in the LE because there are a lot of .gmf file (converted with the appropriate tool). I also tried to export from Blender an .fbx file and that was greate because I was able to import also the animation in the LE. But with the .fbx file I can't edit the pysichs so my zombie don not fall down for the gravity because i need the .obj file. How can I do for solving this problem? Thanks to all and sorry if my english is not so good, i hope you can understand my problem and help me.

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Take one of the OBJ files, and open phygen, then load the OBJ file and create a convex hull with this. Make sure you give the phy file the same name as your GMF model. I have never tried this with an animated mesh so not sure if it will work.


Suggestion: Use an OBJ file where the zombie position isn't the "T" shape. This will allow the zombie to get closer to walls.


I hope this works. :)

Intel core 2 quad 6600 | Nvidia Geforce GTX460 1GB | 2GB DDR2 Ram | Windows 7.


Google Sketchup | Photoshop | Blender | UU3D | Leadwerks Engine 2.4

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Andy_s is correct. Wavefront object files (.obj) do not store any animation data. You'll want to use FBX for that.

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Thanks to all for your awnsers:

Richard simpson: there is one problem if i open one file in the model viewer and i click on show animation it doesn't append enything and that's because as andy and brent told me .obj doesn't support animation.

Brent Taylor: I'll use fbx format as you suggest me but there is one more little problem. With the .fbx file i can't set convex hull as physichs method so it'll be less precised calculating it with a box. Can you suggest me another better way or it's the only one?

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I have had no big problems with a box body on animations. Sometimes I reduce the box size to just cover legs of character. It depends on shape of model and what you want to do.

amd quad core 4 ghz / geforce 660 ti 2gb / win 10

Blender,gimp,silo2,ac3d,,audacity,Hexagon / using c++

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