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..some random level shot..

Naughty Alien

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..as i mentioned before, im in dev cycle for my 2nd game (i use to post some menu interface related to that game http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/3533-user-interface-shots-from-my-new-game/ )..its comic book style point and click adventure, and this is one of the levels from Episode 1 (game is episodic)..anyway, this is how its look like..I hope you like it..






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hi guys ;) ..im glad you like it..ill have exterior level around next week, this time done, with some flying trains and what not ;) .. in episode 1 there is one outdoor level only (but quite large actually), others are indoor..style i tried to follow is one seen in game 'XIII'...later ill post some characters (tiger man, main character, second chancer, etc ;) ) ..


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I like the style very much but think on the other hand that it looks a bit "rough". It's hard to spot certain elements and structure due the colors and "blotches on the textures.

For a stylized game I think a bit less texture details would be better. Sorry but can't explain better in english. ;)

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I agree, whilst the overall comic style effect is a good one, its 'color chaos' in these scenes and it does very much distract the eye from easily mapping the structure and contours of the geometry. DaDonik's and Franck's comic shader examples looked a lot more effective given a more toned down color balance. Interesting to see you working on a new game though NA and an episodic one!


What’s happened to Hidden Dawn though, I remember you indicating that was complete a long long time ago?

Intel Core i5 2.66 GHz, Asus P7P55D, 8Gb DDR3 RAM, GTX460 1Gb DDR5, Windows 7 (x64), LE Editor, GMax, 3DWS, UU3D Pro, Texture Maker Pro, Shader Map Pro. Development language: C/C++

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@NA : Looks great, shall keep my eyes open on Steam for it. Nice Job.



@Pixel : "Hoodwink should be out end of the year/christmas trough Steam, episode 1 and Hidden Dawn feb next year after GDC" .



AMD Bulldozer FX-4 Quad Core 4100 Black Edition

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Windows 7 Home 64 bit


BlitzMax 1.50 • Lua 5.1 MaxGUI 1.41 • UU3D Pro • MessiahStudio Pro • Silo Pro

3D Coat • ShaderMap Pro • Hexagon 2 • Photoshop, Gimp & Paint.NET


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Hi I like the effect a lot. Looks good and the scene looks nice as well.


Just out of curiosity, if you were to look at your textures without the cartoon effect are the realistic textures? or have you simplified them?


Just curious.

STS - Scarlet Thread Studios

AKA: Engineer Ken


Fact: Game Development is hard... very bloody hard.. If you are not prepared to accept that.. Please give up now!

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..thanks guys, your comments are really constructive and thats what i like about this forum sooooo much...


@Pixel Perfect

Marleys Ghost already pointed plan, Hidden dawn is completed, if publisher doesnt find something to add (fingers crossed)..as for Hoodwink, Episode 1 should be out by the year end, and new episode should be out each 4 months, but we will see..just look at DaDonik shader...quite interesting way of painting additional color on to texture bumps..


@Engineer Ken

Yes, textures were 'photorealistic' , and processed a bit in Photoshop , and saved with lower settings (PNG for web) what did great deal of surface effect i wanted..


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Guest Red Ocktober

i'm probably gonna get it for asking this, but.. uh, would it be possible to see what that scene looks like before the post effect...


i feel that it's such a blasphemy to use the LW renderer and then cancel out most of the good graphics stuff with a comic shader (don't hit me NA ;) )...


on the other hand...


i think you've really got something here with this comic book thing (i may follow suit)... especially for the mobile market...


some sorta interactive comic where the reader mostly reads, but every now and then gets an opportunity to change the direction the plot takes (i guess you would have to make sure the storyline ends in one or two different ways for followup issues... or provide some way for the folowup issue to pick up where the last one left off) by talking to the characters, playing a sequence as on of the characters, etc...


i do think that there's potential here for something...



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It's hard to judge the scene with this effect because it could very well match the game-play style. I think it looks great. As a still screen, it's easier to pick out little flaws with the shader here and there, but while actually in the game and playing, you wouldn't notice most of them. I'm thinking NA is using this style to give a certain feel to the player through environment with it's planned game-play, and in that case, this shader may be spot on.


I look forward to seeing some videos, NA, if at all planned. Would be great to learn more about this project.

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..hi guys..here is the main character in game, so you can see that whole idea about cartoon comic book style makes sense just by observing character anatomy..ill post images without shader processing tomorrow, but its looking uber ugly without shader because I have purposely degraded textures (plastered) and saved with quite low quality , what helped me to get, nice dirty details, after shader did color exposure.. right now im very tired (its 2:22 AM here, and im looking like a zombie after looking at monitor whole day until now..huh..), and im just finished this character fixing, im about to post, so i hope you will like character as well.. :P




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Beautifull , reminds me Borderlands !

It would have been could if you had two versions , one with re worked textures, and the level with original textures, just to see the difference.

But i like this effect. It brings some softness and kindness with this style !

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