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I am not sure how doable this is, because I don't know how much of the lighting system is internal to Leadwerks, but I would like to be able to create a given light and pass in my own shaders.


Namely so that I can have both point lights and area lights, add dome lights, and just generally tweak the shaders to get my own creations.


So either a light command where you can pass your own shader, or a bit of documentation how the lighting system works internally would be of use to me, and I am sure anyone else who is going to also be using Leadwerks for pure-visualization purposes.

52t__nvidia.png nVidia 530M cpu.gif Intel Core i7 - 2.3Ghz 114229_30245_16_hardware_memory_ram_icon.png 8GB DDR3 RAM Windows7_Start.gif Windows 7 Ultimate (64x)


IconVisualStudio16.png Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate google-Chrome.png Google Chrome PhotoshopLinkIndicator.png Creative Suite 5 icon28.gif FL Studio 10 MicrosoftOfficeLive.png Office 15


csharp.png Expert cpp.png Professional lua_icon.png Expert BMX Programmer



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