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Game Characters

Matthew Nicholls

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  On 9/12/2011 at 3:17 PM, Clackdor said:

Hmm, zaphos, this is really interesting stuff you want to do. I like it because you want to do a major part of game design that I DON'T want to do. I'll have to keep you in mind for this stuff. I'm just not ready yet.


Neat stuff on your website! Of course I'm biased because it's all Star Wars.


Most of my modelling has been Star Wars, as that is my favourite. Glad you like it :)


  Rick said:
How is the progress on this zaphos? Is this still an idea you are going after?


Still working at it. Full time (well 6 hours, 5 days a week) on it as my daughter has started back to school now. I plan on spending this whole year doing it. There may be not much to show for a while but I am definitely doing it.


I am in the process of developing skeletons to base the models from. I'm starting with skeletons so the animation set up is as realistic as possible and also to make some undead and zombie characters. The next step will to make the base meshes for a selection of body types e.g. Human male/female average, short (dwarf, Halfling, goblin), supersized( ogre, orc, giants),elfin, monstrous ect. suggestions welcome. I'll post pictures as they develope.




(no jaw for this model yet, still in progress.)

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  • 1 month later...

Just a little update... I have created 4 LODs for the skeleton. rigged and skinned the main mesh, animated a short walk cycle and done a little test in Leadwerks editor to make sure it loads and animates properly. So far I am pleased with the results. It will be very cool having a customizable army of the undead :)




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@Rick Started on the human male base mesh today!


@Clackdor Yes definitely more intricate animations. All kinds of combat that you could think of as well as ambient animation for background NPCs. I am experimenting with Motion capture as well as key framed animation with some physics thrown in as well. I'll post a video when I have the animations polished.

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The neck is too long, the clavicles should be larger and on top of the rib cage, and the femur should be sitting in the pelvic joint, but other than that the model looks great.

My job is to make tools you love, with the features you want, and performance you can't live without.

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Thanks Josh for your observations ;) . I don't agree with you about the neck as the neck is the correct size for the body, I have found that it is actually the first ribs which are a bit to low. Giving the impression that the neck is long. You are right about the clavicle bones, they need to be thicker. You are also right about the pelvic joints, somehow during the poly reducing phase I lost the detail in the pelvis.

The model is not intended to be an anatomical study of the human skeleton and I have taken some liberties (artistic simplification) with the details in order to reduce the poly count, so I'm expecting some discrepancies. I really do appreciate your constructive criticism ;) .

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  • 4 weeks later...

Just a quick update!




Sixty Skeletons at 60fps all on different animation frames.


Model 8840 triangles

LOD1 4575

LOD2 3049

LOD3 520


Diffuse and normal texture is 1024 x1024, up to LOD2.

LOD3 has its own diffuse at 512 x 512


Animations will be separate files that will be able to be used on other characters I make. So the more characters and animations you get the more you can mix them up. A Lua script will be included that can be used to manage the animations.


I'll post a video once more animations are ready.

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Oh, someone uses my Pi stuff :D


On the jump animation, I've seen it where it's broken out into 3 animations and the programmers control it. start jump, falling, landing. This would allow different jumping heights and not require any sort of timing. WoW does it this way and jumping looks very nice. Just an idea.

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@ Rick Good Idea about the jump animation, i'll split it in to three different animations. I just noticed that I messed up abit with the jump animation demonstration. The walk animation blend value was still set to 0.1, so it was running at the same time. And yes I do use the Pi stuff, it is very useful, thanks for making it. :mellow:


@Pixel Thank you very much, all feedback and support is much apriciated. :D


Just for information : the skeleton is quite high poly (under 9k) as that is as simplified as I could get it without loosing the level of definition to the detail that I wanted . The female base mesh featured in the video is between 2k and 3k. This will mean there will be less LOD meshes. The weapons and accessories are a much lower poly count each. Plus they have LOD meshes as well so they will be optomised for RPG or FPS games.

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Cheers Clackdor :)



Just a couple of things I'm working on that can be used with the skeleton, or with your own models. They will be positioned and rigged so they can be easily attached to any model that is based on my Zap01_ rig. For example the shield has a bone in the handle that corresponds to the Zap01_Mount_L_Hand bone in the Skeleton model. Its position and rotation in the world space means you can Load the model and parent it to Zap01_Mount_L_Hand bone without any modifications. Or you can use its own bone to mount it to.






Simple wooden round shield




In game screenshot


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