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Transparent Objects


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Hello Forum,


I was just wondering how to create a object to transparent, such as making glass etc.


It would really help with my current progress so please only respond if you have answers for my question and not general chit chatter, this isn't me being rude I just don't want to turn this into a discussion more of just a general question in the hope that someone knows.


Much Appreciated.

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Load the model in the transparent world and have blend=alpha in the mat file and make your texture semi-transparent.


Loading in the transparent world:

1) Use SetWorld() passing in the transparent world created for you by the framework

2) Load your model as normal

3) User SetWorld() passing back in the default world

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if you are just referring to 3DWS and not LE, then just use something like gimp to create a transparency for your texture... also if you are having issues with seeing transparency in 3DWS, its because there is an issue right now with that feature... http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/tracker/issue-199-transparency-no-longer-works/page__gopid__934#entry934 but if the texture is created correctly then it should work with whatever engine you are using for a game engine (no counting whatever procedures you have to do specifically for that engine)

Win7 64bit / Intel i7-2600 CPU @ 3.9 GHz / 16 GB DDR3 / NVIDIA GeForce GTX 590

LE / 3DWS / BMX / Hexagon

macklebee's channel

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