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..FBX settings..

Naughty Alien

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..i would like to know, what FBX settings you guys use for export of your static geometry, as well as animated meshes..im not quite sure what is the correct settings and so far I havent export anything from 3dsmax as a FBX that works..I mean...what FBX version you use (FBX200900, FBX200611, ...) and what format, binary or ascii?? Im using 3dsmax 9..every attempt to convert exported FBX to GMF resulted with GMF file , 65 bytes heavy, out of 61 MB FBX exported from max..its must be about FBX exporter/settings i guess...any tip?


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Hi! Why don't you use my exporter? Its very easy to export anything (animated or static or skinned meshes) from max to LE.

http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?/topic/141-leadwerks-tools-2-1-for-3ds-max/ it works for all versions starting from 3ds max 8

Q6600@2.4GHz - 9600GT - 4GB DDR2@800MHz - Windows7 x64

3ds max / photoshop CS3 / C++


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..hi ArBuZ..im not using it because it doesnt work..or I may be doing something very wrong..anyway, if you have some detailed description 'how to' i would follow..so far, every FBX format i try, doesnt convert in to GMF, and thats including your exporter..im not sure how big files you guys use to convert, but my level has 4300 objects on scene, roughly..anyway, let me know if there are some specific FBX settings for export, before actual FBX2GMF conversion is called..feel free to explain for both, max8 or 9..ill try on both..


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  On 12/16/2009 at 4:11 AM, Naughty Alien said:

..hi ArBuZ..im not using it because it doesnt work..or I may be doing something very wrong..anyway, if you have some detailed description 'how to' i would follow..so far, every FBX format i try, doesnt convert in to GMF, and thats including your exporter..im not sure how big files you guys use to convert, but my level has 4300 objects on scene, roughly..anyway, let me know if there are some specific FBX settings for export, before actual FBX2GMF conversion is called..feel free to explain for both, max8 or 9..ill try on both..

4300 objects!!! its very huge nuber. Im not quet sure that this is right whay to do such thing. Maybe you should try to split your level on some smaller parts?

Q6600@2.4GHz - 9600GT - 4GB DDR2@800MHz - Windows7 x64

3ds max / photoshop CS3 / C++


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..nope..poly count is not a limit...i have exported entire level in to B3D format (testing exactly poly limit per object) and B3D has such limitation per object...so..entire level successfuly exported as one file in B3D and loaded in to UU3D just to be sure that its ok and it seems to be just fine...but when i try to convert to gmf, simply fail with error I show...so..poly limit per object is not an issue for sure..


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  On 12/16/2009 at 6:03 AM, Naughty Alien said:

..well..it happen same as when I just export manually as FBX and drag'n drop on to converter...it just create GMF file with size of few bytes (64 or 16, cant remember)..


You are definitely doing something wrong. I ve seccessfully exported 4300 boxes. It has taken about 10 minutes!!! The file size was about 12Mb. But I couldnt even veiw boxes in model viewer. The frame rate was about 1 or 2.

Have you allready exported such a big scenes in one file? I saw somewhere on the forum that leadwerks slows down very much when you have such huge amount of objects in one gmf. But I dont know if its true.


I guess that you actually dont use my exporter. I think you use export via fbx function, don't you? Try this steps:


Make sure that you are using the latest version of the exporter

Go to "leadwerks tools"->"export objects".

Uncheck "Selected only" "reset transforms" "Create *phy file".

Export it. Max will hang for some time (it can be long time ;) ). But in the end it will give the message "All objects have been exported successfully" or "there was error..."


Btw, make a copy of your scene befor exporting ;)

Hope it will help :)

Q6600@2.4GHz - 9600GT - 4GB DDR2@800MHz - Windows7 x64

3ds max / photoshop CS3 / C++


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..i have successfuly exported such scenes(and bigger) before..given level i have already exported(by chunks I mentioned before...now i just testing ability to export as one GMF instead of multiple) and its running on 7600 at 28 FPS so it is not issue...its all about conversion...second thing, exporting boxes and custom made shapes are not same...again..B3D exporter simply with no issues export whole level without mistake..i load that B3D in to U3D and its there all in one just fine...i havent try to export from U3D because im using demo version just for sake of testing, so i cant confirm..


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this is not about your problem, and I hope you can do what you want to do.

well. I don't suggest you to export all your level into a single file.

this way you can not use LODs for your models, and you allways have to render all your scene which may decrease FPS.

export your models one by one using Alex exporter by unchecking reset transform. and when you import all your models into LE with same position, they will be place as they was into 3ds max. you are able to set different LODs for each model, define visibility distance for each model, and create phygens more precise..

Omid Saadat

OD Arts Blog


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with my exporter it doesnt matter what objects do you have deal with. standard ptimitives or custom made shapes the exporter converts them all to the editable meshes and writes data directly to the file.

Ive just tryed to say that the number of object wasnt actually a source of the problem if you used my exporter.

I really want to help and find out why my exporter doesnt work for you. Do you have any messages while exporting? It must work ;)

Q6600@2.4GHz - 9600GT - 4GB DDR2@800MHz - Windows7 x64

3ds max / photoshop CS3 / C++


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hehe..ArBuZ, ill try later on other machine, more powerful to see how is it going... thank you for kind support ;) .. as for all entire level on scene, I dont think so that everything is rendered all time..i do have some sort of rendering manager what will store specific data during loading time, and then according to that manage visible/non visible objects for rendering, including corresponding LOD references im storing separately..I just wanted to explore posibility of exporting one big file at once, thats all..by the way, Omid, do you have link for that exporter you referring to?? I guess exporter will do 'one by one export' and not me myself by hand ;)


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LOL! reffering to ArBuZ exporter and I mean to select one or two of your objects, and check export selected in ArBuZ axporter! ;) (without checking reset transform)

Omid Saadat

OD Arts Blog


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AMD 6000+ - Geforce 9800 GT - 2GB RAM - XP x86 (Home pc)

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