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C++ Threads


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I am not new to multithread programming, but I have never done it in C++. I want to create a thread to execute a function, and be able to tell when the thread is finished. The code should run on Windows and OSX. If it can run on Android and iOS, that's great, but I don't expect it to. Where can I find a simple example that shows how to do this?

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I have used this as a reference:



MinGW comes with pthreads library, not sure about Visual Studio, but you can get it for it too, for example from here: http://sourceware.org/pthreads-win32/


Alternatively you could also use boost::thread class, which is also standard:


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I got started with win32 threads. I think I'd rather use my own class and just use macros to control the different behavior than to use something like Boost.


How can I check the status of a thread? I need to be able to tell if a thread is still running. See Thread::GetState():



#include "../le3.h"

#ifdef WINDOWS
namespace win32
#include <windows.h>

namespace le3
const int THREAD_RUNNING = 1;
const int THREAD_FINISHED = 0;
const int THREAD_PAUSED = 2;
const int THREAD_READY = 3;

class Thread
	Object* result;

	#ifdef WINDOWS


	virtual bool Resume();
	virtual bool Pause();
	virtual int GetState();
	virtual Object* GetResult();

Thread* CreateThread_(Object* EntryPoint(Object* o), Object* o=NULL);



#include "../le3.h"

namespace le3
Thread::Thread() : result(NULL)
	#ifdef WINDOWS
	id = 0;

	#ifdef WINDOWS
	if (GetState()!=THREAD_FINISHED)

bool Thread::Pause()
	#ifdef WINDOWS
	if (SuspendThread(id)!=-1) return true;

bool Thread::Resume()
	#ifdef WINDOWS
	if (ResumeThread(id)!=-1) return true;

int Thread::GetState()
	#ifdef WINDOWS

	return 0;

Object* Thread::GetResult()
	if (GetState()!=THREAD_FINISHED) return NULL;
	return result;

Thread* CreateThread_(Object* EntryPoint(Object* o),Object* o)
	Thread* thread = new Thread;

	#ifdef WINDOWS
	if (!thread->id)
		delete thread;
		return NULL;

	return thread;

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Eh, I got it figured out. Here's a nice little thread class if you need it:

#include "../le3.h"

#ifdef WINDOWS
namespace win32
#include <windows.h>

namespace le3
const int THREAD_RUNNING = 1;
const int THREAD_FINISHED = 0;
const int THREAD_PAUSED = 2;
const int THREAD_READY = 3;

class Thread
	Object* result;

	#ifdef WINDOWS
	int state;


	virtual void Wait();
	virtual bool Resume();
	virtual bool Pause();
	virtual int GetState();
	virtual Object* GetResult();

Thread* CreateThread_(Object* EntryPoint(Object* o), Object* o=NULL);


#include "../le3.h"

namespace le3
Thread::Thread() : result(NULL)
	#ifdef WINDOWS
	id = 0;

	#ifdef WINDOWS
	if (GetState()!=THREAD_FINISHED)

bool Thread::Pause()
	#ifdef WINDOWS
	if (SuspendThread(id)!=-1)
		state = THREAD_PAUSED;
		return true;
		return false;

bool Thread::Resume()
	#ifdef WINDOWS
	if (ResumeThread(id)!=-1)
		return true;
		return false;

int Thread::GetState()
	#ifdef WINDOWS
	if (state==THREAD_RUNNING)
		DWORD lpExitCode;
		if (GetExitCodeThread(id,&lpExitCode)==0)
			//Function fails
			if (lpExitCode==STILL_ACTIVE)
				return THREAD_RUNNING;
		return state;
	return 0;

void Thread::Wait()
	while (GetState()!=THREAD_FINISHED)

Object* Thread::GetResult()
	if (GetState()!=THREAD_FINISHED) return NULL;
	return result;

Thread* CreateThread_(Object* EntryPoint(Object* o),Object* o)
	Thread* thread = new Thread;

	#ifdef WINDOWS
	thread->id = CreateThread(NULL,4,(LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)EntryPoint,o,CREATE_SUSPENDED,NULL);
	if (!thread->id)
		delete thread;
		return NULL;

	return thread;

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Why would you use a completely different approach for Windows, when you can use pthreads on all platforms?

Anyway, with pthreads you can make thread states either with your own custom mutexed variables, or using the condition variables of threads:


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Don't know if this is any help to anyone but I thought I'd just say that if one needs some sort of reliable, safe and easy inter-thread communication then ZeroMQ is an amazing library.

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In all seriousness, I want the lowest-level thread access possible so I can understand what is happening on all platforms completely. I also don't like compiling more libs into the engine because almost every time I do there is some little thing I have to fix. I take it I can just start calling pthread commands on Mac, iOS, and Android?:


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ZMQ is really a communication pipeline that allows you to sidetrack the whole process of trying to interlock and all that other nasty thread stuff by just implementing fast message passing. Its really good if you're willing to design using their concepts.


For pure threading, I might also just point you to TinyThread: http://sourceforge.net/projects/tinythread/

TinyThread++ is a minimalist, portable threading library for C++. It is modeled after the current C++0x standard (draft), implementing a subset thereof, and acts as a simple replacement library for compilers that lack support for C++0x.


Kind of sounds like the wrapper class you're making now.

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  On 10/14/2011 at 8:55 AM, TheoLogic said:

C++11 has threading facilities, so I honestly think you are wasting your time to reinvent this...

I think you mean C++0x. But you're correct. Its why I mentioned the TinyThread library, as its an implemented of C++0x.

Programmer, Modeller

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  On 10/14/2011 at 9:22 AM, DJDD said:

I think you mean C++0x. But you're correct. Its why I mentioned the TinyThread library, as its an implemented of C++0x.

C++11, also formerly known as C++0x (pronounced "see plus plus oh ex wtf lol").

The 11 just means 2011, and the 0x means any year from 2000 to 2009.

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  On 10/14/2011 at 9:25 AM, Metatron said:

C++11, also formerly known as C++0x (pronounced "see plus plus oh ex wtf lol").

The 11 just means 2011, and the 0x means any year from 2000 to 2009.

Oh interesting. I did not know that.

Programmer, Modeller

Intel Core i7 930 @ 3.5GHz | GeForce 480 GTX | 6GB DDR3 RAM | Windows 7 Premium x64

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Website: http://srichnet.info

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  On 10/14/2011 at 8:55 AM, TheoLogic said:

C++11 has threading facilities, so I honestly think you are wasting your time to reinvent this...

Does it actually work, on OSX, Windows, Android, and iOS?

My job is to make tools you love, with the features you want, and performance you can't live without.

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One nitpick I have is your definition for the Thread class. That was fine back in the days of C, but we have C++ now. ;)


#include "../le3.h"

#ifdef WINDOWS
namespace win32
       #include <windows.h>

namespace le3

enum Thread_State {

       class Thread
               Object* result;

               #ifdef WINDOWS
               HANDLE id;
               Thread_State m_State;


               virtual void Wait();
               virtual bool Resume();
               virtual bool Pause();
               virtual int GetState();
               virtual Object* GetResult();

       Thread* CreateThread_(Object* EntryPoint(Object* o), Object* o=NULL);


An enum type is far better suited to this.

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  On 10/15/2011 at 7:18 AM, diedir said:

time wasted

C++11 and Intel Xe are ready to do this and faster....


Keep in mind he's looking for a relatively cross platform solution. C++11, while finalized, hasn't been adopted across all compilers and runtimes yet. Intel XE is x86 specific. Neither are really appropriate.


Honestly I'm going to have to agree with Metatron here. Boost::thread is the best option currently.



You really should look into the Boost library. Most of it is all template code and is designed to simply be included in a project and used, not dynamically linked. It's very likely the most commonly used library used with C++ outside of the STL itself.

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With Windows threads at least, they are supposed to use this type of entry point:

DWORD WINAPI EntryPoint( LPVOID lpParam )

I see 32 bits in and 32 bits out, so is it okay to replace it with this?:

(LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)(Object* EntryPoint(Object* o))

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I added a C++ tag to this thread by editing the first post in the full editor, then moved it to the general programming forum.


I don't recommend going through and tagging every single post, but I just wanted to make sure it worked.

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