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Design Document


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So, I realize that I need to write some of this stuff down. My game ideas are mostly in my head and that place is really messy and things tend to get lost. Can anybody recommend a good design document outline or provide a link.


I've done some Google searching and many design documents focus a lot on levels. My first games won't have levels in the traditional sense. I'm a fan of worlds that are more free than that. I"m more a fan of character development. For example, I was the guy who played the same Diablo II level over and over again for XP instead of pushing my character forward in a storyline. My games will have little story line or plot.

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I have all projects in a projects folder as subfolder, and there I put all ideas into a ideas.txt text file with NotePad++, usually one line per idea, and sometimes also indented, then I can put + marks in front of each line when I have it done.

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