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Animation doesn't start right


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Hello Guys,

I'm writting a FPS Game and I have a problem with the shoot Animation.The animation starts at frame 123 and ends at 142.But sometimes the animation doesn't start at frame 123.

I think the problem is the fmodf command,but i don't know how i can solve that.


Code :


weapon->shoot = true;


	if(weapon->sequenc != weapon->WEAPON_SHOOT)
		weapon->sequenc = weapon->WEAPON_SHOOT;  
	if(weapon->frame > 141)
		 weapon->shoottimer = 0;
		 weapon->shoot = false; 
	weapon->sequenc = weapon->WEAPON_IDLE;

and WEAPON_SHOOT define framebegin and frameend and set frame to framebegin:

case Weapon::WEAPON_SHOOT:
	weapon->framebegin = 123;
	weapon->frameend = 142;
	weapon->frame = weapon->framebegin;

and Animate :



Thank you for help ;)

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I've discovered that using the fmodf method sucks. Instead (thanks Rick) I used an iterative method.


   if (framebegin != lastframebegin) {
       else {
   if (frame >= frameend) {
           frame = framebegin;



Each action has a framebegin and frameend value. For a new action, frame is set to framebegin. A new action is detected by a change in the framebegin value in each loop. The frame value is incremented without using the fmodf command and animation is played until the frame value reaches the frameend value. Meanwhile other code has determined the value of the next framebegin value for the next action.


I hope I explained that well enough. It's off the cuff. Though that code segment is pulled directly from my game project. See video here: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/videos/_/leadwerks-engine/my-first-demo-r105

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Thanks so much,it works very well.


EDIT:How you defined the variable lastframebegin ?


By the side i made a little class named Animation(Since the thread was already created),with all the variables and a Blending Function with the new sequenc and a smooth variable as parameters.For example your currently animation is sequenc 1 and you will change that to sequenc 2 with a smooth faktor of 0.01,you only call the Command BlendingAnim(2,0.01) and it smooth the blendingfaktor to 0.0 with the smooth value (0.01) ,set the new sequenc and go to 1.0.


For somebody who needs it ;D


Animation.h :

#include <math.h>

class Animation

float framebegin;
float frameend;
float frame;
float blend;
float blendfaktor;
bool blending;
int sequenc;
int newsequenc;
float blendplus;
float movement;

void BlendingAnim(int s,float a);
void Update();




#include "Animation.h"

framebegin = 0.0f;
frameend = 0.0f;
   frame = 0.0f;
blend = 1.0f;
blendfaktor = 0.0f;
   blending = false;
sequenc = 1;
newsequenc = sequenc;
blendplus = 0.0f;
movement = 1.0f;
void Animation::BlendingAnim(int s,float a)
Animation::blending = true;
Animation::newsequenc = s;
Animation::blendplus = a;

void Animation::void AnimOnce(int s,int olds)

void Animation::Update()
Animation::blend +=Animation::blendfaktor;
Animation::movement = 1.0f;

if(Animation::blending == true)

	if(Animation::sequenc != Animation::newsequenc && Animation::newsequenc != 0)
		if(Animation::blend > 0.2)
		    Animation::blendfaktor = -Animation::blendplus;
		else if (Animation::blend <= 0.2)
			Animation::sequenc = Animation::newsequenc;
			Animation::blendfaktor = 0.0;
		Animation::movement = 0.0f;
	if(Animation::blend < 1.0 && Animation::sequenc == Animation::newsequenc )
		Animation::blendfaktor = Animation::blendplus;
	else if(Animation::blend == 1.0 && Animation::sequenc == Animation::newsequenc)
		Animation::blendfaktor = 0.0;

		Animation::newsequenc = 0;
		Animation::blending = false;

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