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Programming forums


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I have declared repeatedly that all programming languages are terrible, so I don't understand what the fuss is about.


Combine the above with forum topic at hand and community separation and this sounds like a good case to only officially support 1 language and honestly I personally wouldn't care which one at this point. :P

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  On 12/16/2011 at 6:05 AM, Josh said:

That's something else I don't like. I have to continuously decide which languages warrant a separate subforum, and people form camps and start holy wars over it. I have declared repeatedly that all programming languages are terrible, so I don't understand what the fuss is about. :)

I don't think I started a holly war, nor did other pascal programmers. I'm just not so skilled and want programmers that use the same language as me to step in and help me if they are more skilled than me. I just appear today as one of the most killed pascal programmers because i'm nearly the only one, but in fact I'm not.This is relativity. Problem is people won't settle if they don't have a place to do so.


There's a common "joke" (I don't find a better word) in pascal/delphi community to compare us as Jedi's. But this is just because we are few and is designed to keep us motivated. A kind of "yes we can" to encourage our will to continue and not give up... It must stay at 2nd degree. If other language take it at 1st degree and feel they are the "empire" I'm sorry for that.


And I think the one who leads the worse holy war is the one that want's all the little to be anihilated and disapear. ;)


  On 12/16/2011 at 6:05 AM, Josh said:

..dear Josh, you should let each programming language forum to grow on itself together with whole community..it will be no confusion and everybody will be happy..whats wrong with that ?

You're really wise ! Thank you

But it's a question of point of view. From Josh's point of view it means more things to survey and more work. That's all. The challenge is to make him understand he does not have to survey unsupported subforum... just let them live.

Also mostly when Josh answers in forums he just says "I would do it like this..." without providing code. So language distinction is useless to him. When code is provided in forums its always by someone of the community. So with a common programming forum from Josh's point of view nothing will change ... but bmx, lua, and c# posts will be diluted in microsoft Visual C++ posts and loose visibility. (not to mention pascal post that occur rarely will get buried even faster by new c++ posts)

Only solution then will be to host external forums for non c++/lua languages.


If there was a holy war ... this war is over and has been won a long time ago by Microsoft C++ Visual studio with the free express version. Perfect tool for price 0. The unique programming forum will just prove how severe the defeat is for other communities.

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  On 12/13/2011 at 8:35 AM, Naughty Alien said:

..im saying that 'First Steps' should be on the top, not almost last on the page..but if that makes sense for ya, then keep it up..im sure that people whos actually looking for first steps help, will find it rather messy like that..

Trying to order community-authored tutorials by level of difficulty isn't something I think I should do, or anyone else.


  On 12/19/2011 at 9:14 AM, Wchris said:

If there was a holy war ... this war is over and has been won a long time ago by Microsoft C++ Visual studio with the free express version. Perfect tool for price 0. The unique programming forum will just prove how severe the defeat is for other communities.

Which version of Visual Studio? :)

My job is to make tools you love, with the features you want, and performance you can't live without.

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I think this is what we will do:

There will be no posts in the "Programming" forum. It will only be a category you can't post in. When you view this forum, it will show the subforums at the top, and then this will be followed by a feed that displays the most recent 10 posts in all subforums.

My job is to make tools you love, with the features you want, and performance you can't live without.

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  On 12/22/2011 at 6:38 PM, Josh said:

I think this is what we will do:

There will be no posts in the "Programming" forum. It will only be a category you can't post in. When you view this forum, it will show the subforums at the top, and then this will be followed by a feed that displays the most recent 10 posts in all subforums.



+1 Thats a good idea


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The idea of the programming forums was that issues specific to C++ would go in the C++ forum. Unfortunately, it just created three coexistent programming forums that simultaneously discuss general programming issues.

My job is to make tools you love, with the features you want, and performance you can't live without.

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Hello Josh,

I want to thank you for all the hard-work you put into making Leadwerks game engine, website and C++ tutorials.

However i would like to point out the change to the only listing C++ in your tutorials section is "not a good idea".


I guess if you only want all your users to learn c++? I am really disappointed if this it true.




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  On 12/24/2011 at 5:00 AM, simpleprogrammer said:
I guess if you only want all your users to learn c++? I am really disappointed if this it true.

Why do you say that? What "tutorials section" are you referring to?

My job is to make tools you love, with the features you want, and performance you can't live without.

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  On 12/24/2011 at 5:00 AM, simpleprogrammer said:

Hello Josh,

I want to thank you for all the hard-work you put into making Leadwerks game engine, website and C++ tutorials.

However i would like to point out the change to the only listing C++ in your tutorials section is "not a good idea".


I guess if you only want all your users to learn c++? I am really disappointed if this it true.







Why would you expect a person or company to fully support multiple languages? If you look around , most other engines only support one language and most of the time it is their own. The forum is to be used for support for other than c++. Maybe we could get Josh to create a Leadwerks syntax. Then there could be 101 different languages to support.

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i think the confusion is coming from the Articles>Programming board... in fact two people this week have asked where the tuts are for various languages. Before they were at least neatly divided up into language subforums which made it a little easier to find what you were looking for... now they are all in just one forum board with the different language tuts clumped together.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've been playing with tags in IPB 3.2. They're actually very well implemented. That is what we will use to keep things organized in one programming forum.

My job is to make tools you love, with the features you want, and performance you can't live without.

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The programming sub-forums no longer allow new topics. You can still reply to existing topics in those forums. Please use the main "Programming" forum for new programming topics, and use the "Script" forum for new topics about Lua script. You may use the new tags feature to indicate if your topic is specific to C++, C#, BlitzMax, etc., if you want to.


The sub-forums will be combined into the main programming forum, but I wanted to give it a test run before I commit that irreversable step.

My job is to make tools you love, with the features you want, and performance you can't live without.

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