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I don't think this has been explained very well, because people are posting anything but articles in the articles section.


An article is formatted text. You can include images, blocks of code, a download file, and one or more videos, but if there isn't a few paragraphs of text, it isn't an article. This is what articles should look like:



This is an example of an article that includes images, a download file, videos, and code:



The articles section is not a place to post a single file, video, or bit of code with no discussion. If you have a tutorial in PDF or another format, you may post it in the general discussion forum, but I do not like having a bunch of tutorials in disparate formats, which is why we don't offer a place for these. The articles section provides a place where they can all be readable online, in a consistent format.


Do not post links to external files or images in articles, because they may becomes dead links in the future. You have the tools to include everything you need in the article contents.


I'm very happy when people contribute to the community's knowledge, but I am going to have to start enforcing some standards in the presentation of the material. It's really a mess right now. Of the four community articles that appear on the front page here, not a single one is an actual article:


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What's the difference between a Blog and an Article? Actually I call my Blogs in my own Blog site also Articles. I never say I wrote a Blog, but I always say I wrote an Article.

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An article contains information that helps other people, either with technical, business, or other matters. A blog is more of a self-promotion thing, where you can talk about yourself in whatever way you want. There could certainly be some overlap there, but that's up to you.


Tutorials are appropriate for this section, and in fact will probably form 95% of the content, but they should be in the format as described above.

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Ah ok, that explains why I always write Articles, because I always write technical articles about some tips & tricks or reviews about some products. The only place where I talk about myself would be Facebook then smile.png


Hmm, does that mean that all the Blogs I wrote in Werkspace, should be actually moved to Articles then?

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If you're describing problems you ran into that are specific to your own project, I would make it a blog entry, unless it was a sort of post-mortem thing, "this is what we learned", etc. that is written to help others who are likely to encounter similar problems.


For example, I wouldn't submit an article to GameDev.net that is shameless self-promotion, but if I put it in the context of a more academic discussion, then an article about my project would be acceptable.

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Ok, I think I got the idea. So kinda reusable and universal stuff goes into Articles, and specific stuff which applies only to my own projects, goes into Blogs (although it could be a lesson learned then also, but that's then again that overlap).

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I was just thinking, that there should be a seperate Tutorials section too, like there was before, because it would bring the benefit, that the Blogs/Articles/Tutorials would then not be too overcrowded over time, and it would be easier to look for a specific Article or Tutorial by browsing, if you can't find it via some Werkspace wide Search function.


Also Blogs and Articles are more time-based, while Tutorials have nothing to do with time, but with topic order. Articles can be also topic based, if you look at them like a knowledgebase library, but that can be easily done with different sorted views, one by time, one by topic.

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I decided to make articles/tutorials all one section. Previously I have been guilty of micro-sorting things on this site, and I got better results with broader categorization, which is another idea I want to blog about soon...

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Finding the correct structure for actual content and keeping also future content in mind, is not so easy. Usually you just start with one setup and then adjust it to better suit the needs in future. Unless, of course, you have already done that earlier and know what is best for all cases ;)

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  On 2/17/2012 at 9:40 PM, Aggror said:

Shall I remove my article then? It is okay. The only thing I have against putting the content in a forum thread, is that it gets lost in the topics, instead of having a nice spot in some sort tutorial section.

I agree it will not have as good of visibility, but we can't have all these Doc, Powerpoint, PDF, etc. files. What's wrong with the built-in text editor?

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