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Test 1 of my game


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Guest Red Ocktober

won't run on GeForce 9800GT with latest nvidia drivers


engine log



Leadwerks Engine 2.5

Initializing Renderer...

OpenGL Version:

GLSL Version:

Render device:


Error: GLSL 1.20 is not supported. Please update your graphics drivers or replace your hardware.



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Will not run on GT240.


engine log:

Leadwerks Engine 2.5

Initializing Renderer...

OpenGL Version:

GLSL Version:

Render device:


Error: GLSL 1.20 is not supported. Please update your graphics drivers or replace your hardware.

AMD3600+/2GB DDR3 SDRAM / GeForce 8600 GTS

I3 530/2GB DDR3/GF GT240 DDR5

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It really does sound like Graphics() is failing... Why?


Because when you say (C++)


const GLubyte * GLBuffer = glGetString(GL_SHADING_LANGUAGE_VERSION);


If you haven't created a graphics context first, then any call to glGetString will return null. Now, look at everyone's log files - what's the reported GLSL version? Looks null to me.


A call to LE2's Graphics() will create a valid Open GL context, such that glGetString will then work.



This is my code to print out a nicer error message for users without capable cards


const GLubyte * GLBuffer = glGetString(GL_SHADING_LANGUAGE_VERSION);

CurrentPosition = 0;
std::string NewGLSLString = "";
NewGLSLString += *(GLBuffer + CurrentPosition);
CurrentPosition += 1;
}while(*(GLBuffer + CurrentPosition) != ' '); //Stop when it finds a space - not interested in anything beyond that

float GLSL_Version = atof(NewGLSLString.c_str());

if(GLSL_Version < 1.20f)
std::cout << "Sorry, your graphics card doesn't support GLSL version 1.2 (Your version is " << GLSL_Version << ")nThis game requires a video card capable of GLSL 1.2 or highern";
   return false; //Failing this function will then call Terminate followed by main() ending


This code doesn't work if Graphics hasn't been called first, since it's unable to detect which GLSL version is present. You could adapt that to display a message box instead, but since I'm using a console application, that works for my purposes.

LE Version: 2.50 (Eventually)

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Here is my Initialize code (I called Graphics :))

  ErrOut("Can't Initialize Engine!");
 ConsoleAdd("Initialize Engine : OK");
 engine_fw = CreateFramework();
 ConsoleAdd("Initialize Framework : OK");
 engine_fw_layer = GetFrameworkLayer(0);
 ConsoleAdd("Loaded Framework Layer : OK");
 engine_fw_world = GetLayerWorld(engine_fw_layer);
 ConsoleAdd("Loaded Framework World : OK");

 SetGlobalObject( "fw", engine_fw );

 // Set Lua framework variable
 BP lua = GetLuaState();
 lua_pushobject( lua, engine_fw );
 lua_setglobal( lua, "fw" );
 lua_pop( lua, 1 );
 ConsoleAdd("Created Lua Framework Object : OK");
 application_active = true;
 S_Introclass = new State_IntroClass();
 S_Menuclass = new State_MenuClass();
 S_Gameclass = new State_GameClass();

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It still seems like Graphics is failing. What parameters are being passed?


I ask because my system is fine with 1280x720 window, but not 1280x720 full screen...


Also remember, that Graphics returns an int. 1 if successful, 0 if failed, try capturing its return value

LE Version: 2.50 (Eventually)

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Still flawed I'm afraid. In full screen, it's fine.


1280x720 window failed same as before. GLSL not supported, so call to Graphics still failed


1024x768 window gave me a 1920x1080 window. Yeah it loaded, but most of it was off screen. It's getting there, being able to choose your own resolution is a nice ability to have, but it seems if you choose window mode it completely ignores the other values you give it.


I've also forgotten what I was meant to be looking at once again... unsure.png

LE Version: 2.50 (Eventually)

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Guest Red Ocktober

yeah... i'm getting loooong delays before the view resolves ( i can hear the sound effects but no view)... then there's a lot of stuttering and the interior images pop into view intermittently (the locker or the door frame)...


but at least it did run :) ... and the outdoor scene looks very nice...



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Sure you have downloaded just the package from the first post?Because my first try was that when you don't make fullscreen it try to make a 1920*1080 window.I downloaded the package and everthing works fine with the window and fullscreen adjustments.


I don't know why but the LoadScene command in the C++ Leadwerks API loads the scene very slowly (my scene is loaded in the editor or in lua in 3-4 secs. and in C++ in about 10 secs).Maybe somebody can tell me why.



Maybe this exe helps :)

test.exeFetching info...

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The releases so far do kind of puzzle me ... i could run all builds with your first release never going out of "fade_screen" however.


I suggest to go two steps back and dont complicate things for starters. Build samples for features, get into app design and assemble it into smaller builds till you tackle your game code as such.




Could be just "Graphics(Width,Height,fullscreen);" with a const int fullscreen = 32; or not.

You have two "noise.dll" in your shader.pak - causing errors or white halos at least.


For the AppSpeed() issues i suggest to simply spawn 200+ dynamic objects to let them tear down your fps -

the old sample map for the gameLib had a pyramid of of bodys for that matter. In my case its the other way around

and i simply can use a 640x480 resolution to get 120+ fps while i usually have my inGame scenes at ~60 fps.


Now the evil part - as a developer, i usually do not download .exe files because its a sample/test build i do, however.

1. put a "build.txt" or something in the zip with a date and some keyboard settings at least !

2. your "config your screenRes from console build" (see what i mean with build.txt) somewhat archives its settings !

3. the build before (which all other couldnt run) was stable at 29 - 32 fps - the "consoleRes" version jumps back to initial spawn position now and then which i cant track down to issue ...


the later two are most evil because its bad behaviour imho ... a crash could be tracked down, some strange behavior just looks like bad hacking. wink.png Even worse would it be to save random config files into the path of random user profiles (who ever is in charge by the time of execution) or to install additional software secretly in the background, however ... avoid that.


Sys spec`s are in my sig, hth.


[edit] : ... and dont listen to Mumbles, she`s experimenting a lot with all kinds of strange systems. wink.png

AMD 64 X2 Dual 5k - 4GB - XFX GForce9800GT - nv196.21 - WinXP Sp3

zBrush4R2 - Silo2Pro - Unwrap3DPro - Gile - MaPZone2.5




Xxploration FPS in progress ...

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Thanks for the long post :D

I suggest to go two steps back and dont complicate things for starters. Build samples for features, get into app design and assemble it into smaller builds till you tackle your game code as such.


Why ? I made it exactly like in your example code and got some Graphics call errors ,so I wrote it with some errorout functions.The idea of the test build was to test the stabileclass of the coming game to spawn the player when the application is running stabile after loading the scene.I forgot to make a variable to check the stability only after the scene loading ,because later ,when you look at the sky and then on lots of trees ,the system doesn't run stabile and spawn the player a second time.


I think I will make a kind of gameupdater and make a setting config file like you said at the post above.

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Guest Red Ocktober
I suggest to go two steps back and dont complicate things for starters. Build samples for features, get into app design and assemble it into smaller builds till you tackle your game code as such.


i think, given the problems you are having, that this may actually be a useful bit of advice...



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