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I am looking into a few things at the moment, and one of them involves object selection.


First off the bat, is there any command relevant to selecting an entity? I am eager to be able to select an object and tell it to do actions. But maybe only specific objects, no grabbing any old object. It makes it a bit more complicated but any suggestions would be very helpful.


Thanks in advance,





Win7 64bit, Leadwerks SDK 2.5, Visual Studio 2012, 3DWS, 3ds Max, Photoshop CS5.




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  On 4/9/2012 at 10:24 AM, Daimour said:

Try to use CameraPick() command.

There is an example of using CameraPick() in fpscontroller.lua script (when pressing E key).


Thanks I'll take a look at that. I also found the part of the wiki tutorial about selection to apply a texture - http://www.leadwerks.com/files/Tutorials/CPP/Collision_And_Raycasting.pdf

Win7 64bit, Leadwerks SDK 2.5, Visual Studio 2012, 3DWS, 3ds Max, Photoshop CS5.




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What about raycasting. I don't know if that is what CameraPick() does but in the other engines I have used I just sent out a ray from my mouse position and it returned what object was hit.

Windows 7 Professional 64 bit, 16 gigs ram, 3.30GHz Quad Core, GeForce GTX 460 one gig, Leadwerks 2.5, Blender 2.62, Photoshop CS3, UU3D

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Yes it is. And I have set up something similar to the thing in the tutorial :) Now does anyone know about entity specific selection? Or the ability to only chose specific things? Because at the moment it selects any entity. Can I add a flag of sorts so when I select it it performs a check to see if the entity specific flag is checked?

Win7 64bit, Leadwerks SDK 2.5, Visual Studio 2012, 3DWS, 3ds Max, Photoshop CS5.




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  On 4/10/2012 at 2:31 AM, Daimour said:

Yes. You can use SetEntityKey() and GetEntityKey().


Thanks!! That is exactly what I'm looking for :) It should work perfectly! I'll have a play with the examples and see how it could fit in to my project.

Win7 64bit, Leadwerks SDK 2.5, Visual Studio 2012, 3DWS, 3ds Max, Photoshop CS5.




Life is too short to remove USB safely.

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1. Before main loop for each entity that may be picked up set the flag:

SetEntityKey(entity, "pickable", true)


2. When trying to pick up something call CameraPick() to find intersection with line of sight.


3. Check that intersection for entity class. So it may be terrain or mesh or something else unwanted. Here you need to find parent entity from found mesh or ignore unwanted entity class.


4. Check if entity is pickable by calling:

GetEntityKey(entity, "pickable")


5. Do what you need with pickable entity.

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Look at fpscontroller.lua. You will find example there.


   --Use objects
   if KeyHit(KEY_E)==1 then
       if pick~=nil then
               if pick.entity:GetClass()==ENTITY_MODEL then
           until pick.entity==nil
           if pick.entity~=nil then

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