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A few models I made for the Leadwerks engine...


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Here's a screenshot of a few new models I've done the last couple of days. Rocks, a tree, ferns, grass, and weed. smile.png

Going to make lots more, make some kinda model library.





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ZBrush 4R7 64-bit - 3DCoat 4.5 BETA 12 - Fl Studio 12 64Bit - LE 3.2 Indie version - Truespace 7 - Blender 2.71 - iClone 5.51 Pro - iClone 3DXChange 5.51 pipeline - Kontakt 5 - Bryce 7 - UU3D Pro - Substance Designer/Painter - Shadermap 3 - PaintShop Photo Pro X7 - Hexagon - Audacity - Gimp 2.8 - Vue 2015 - Reaktor 5 - Guitar Rig 5 - Bitmap2Material 3

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Thanks for the comments! smile.png


May I ask how you make this sort of thing perhaps?

Sure. biggrin.png

The ferns and weeds are fairly simple to make. They're just textured plains.

The trees on the other hand, are not as easy. The trunk has to be modelled/textured, and then it's time to add a bunch of plains for the branches/leaves, which is rather time consuming. blink.png




ZBrush 4R7 64-bit - 3DCoat 4.5 BETA 12 - Fl Studio 12 64Bit - LE 3.2 Indie version - Truespace 7 - Blender 2.71 - iClone 5.51 Pro - iClone 3DXChange 5.51 pipeline - Kontakt 5 - Bryce 7 - UU3D Pro - Substance Designer/Painter - Shadermap 3 - PaintShop Photo Pro X7 - Hexagon - Audacity - Gimp 2.8 - Vue 2015 - Reaktor 5 - Guitar Rig 5 - Bitmap2Material 3

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You can do this in any 3D app...Blender, Silo, Maya, 3DS Max, Modo, Lightwave...

I started to do this, but I gave up and bought some Pure3D assets when they were on sale. Unless you like making a bunch of faces with fern textures on them, it's a waste of time.

Windows 7 Professional 64 bit, 16 gigs ram, 3.30GHz Quad Core, GeForce GTX 460 one gig, Leadwerks 2.5, Blender 2.62, Photoshop CS3, UU3D

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Yeah thats kinda what I meant more... wink.png

I used Truespace to model them. As Benton said, you can create 'em in any 3D modelling program. smile.png


Unless you like making a bunch of faces with fern textures on them, it's a waste of time.

I'd hardly consider it a waste of time. First of, you can't buy everything you need (unless you have the money for it), and second, being able to create your own models is better, since you can model it the way YOU want. smile.png

A person who likes modelling, doesn't mind doing the work.


ZBrush 4R7 64-bit - 3DCoat 4.5 BETA 12 - Fl Studio 12 64Bit - LE 3.2 Indie version - Truespace 7 - Blender 2.71 - iClone 5.51 Pro - iClone 3DXChange 5.51 pipeline - Kontakt 5 - Bryce 7 - UU3D Pro - Substance Designer/Painter - Shadermap 3 - PaintShop Photo Pro X7 - Hexagon - Audacity - Gimp 2.8 - Vue 2015 - Reaktor 5 - Guitar Rig 5 - Bitmap2Material 3

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Looking good. If you need any additional vegetation textures or source photos, I have a huge growing library of them, that I'm willing to share. smile.png

Thanks, paramecij! smile.png

Yeah, that would be great! The more textures, the better. wink.png

If you'd agree, I could make a few free models to add to the store with your textures?




ZBrush 4R7 64-bit - 3DCoat 4.5 BETA 12 - Fl Studio 12 64Bit - LE 3.2 Indie version - Truespace 7 - Blender 2.71 - iClone 5.51 Pro - iClone 3DXChange 5.51 pipeline - Kontakt 5 - Bryce 7 - UU3D Pro - Substance Designer/Painter - Shadermap 3 - PaintShop Photo Pro X7 - Hexagon - Audacity - Gimp 2.8 - Vue 2015 - Reaktor 5 - Guitar Rig 5 - Bitmap2Material 3

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Here's a free tree model I've done, to be used in your game(s), either commercial or non-commercial. smile.png

Only 938 polys. It includes a diffuse and bump map texture for the bark, and a diffuse for the leaves/twigs.

Hope you'll like it. Credits are appreciated. Thanks.

To install, create a new folder named 'Mytrees' in the 'Vegetation' folder, and unzip all the files in the 'Mytrees' folder.

Here are a few pics of the tree model. smile.png

Uploading the model to the store now.







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ZBrush 4R7 64-bit - 3DCoat 4.5 BETA 12 - Fl Studio 12 64Bit - LE 3.2 Indie version - Truespace 7 - Blender 2.71 - iClone 5.51 Pro - iClone 3DXChange 5.51 pipeline - Kontakt 5 - Bryce 7 - UU3D Pro - Substance Designer/Painter - Shadermap 3 - PaintShop Photo Pro X7 - Hexagon - Audacity - Gimp 2.8 - Vue 2015 - Reaktor 5 - Guitar Rig 5 - Bitmap2Material 3

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You're welcome, guys! smile.png

Already working on another tree. And also a few rock models. I might do a few non-nature models aswell.


ZBrush 4R7 64-bit - 3DCoat 4.5 BETA 12 - Fl Studio 12 64Bit - LE 3.2 Indie version - Truespace 7 - Blender 2.71 - iClone 5.51 Pro - iClone 3DXChange 5.51 pipeline - Kontakt 5 - Bryce 7 - UU3D Pro - Substance Designer/Painter - Shadermap 3 - PaintShop Photo Pro X7 - Hexagon - Audacity - Gimp 2.8 - Vue 2015 - Reaktor 5 - Guitar Rig 5 - Bitmap2Material 3

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Nice tree man!

I had a idea. What it we made a Leadwerks Model Library? Everyone can add models to it, as long as they are completely free, and are good models. Over time we build up a large library, full of props and things that can be used in games. Even buildings and stuff. Maybe this could be a community project!

Windows 7 Professional 64 bit, 16 gigs ram, 3.30GHz Quad Core, GeForce GTX 460 one gig, Leadwerks 2.5, Blender 2.62, Photoshop CS3, UU3D

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Thanks, man! smile.png

Yeah, the idea of a model library for the Leadwerks engine has been on my mind aswell. I think there's plenty of good programmers willing to make a game, but they don't have the media to do it, so this might help. smile.png

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ZBrush 4R7 64-bit - 3DCoat 4.5 BETA 12 - Fl Studio 12 64Bit - LE 3.2 Indie version - Truespace 7 - Blender 2.71 - iClone 5.51 Pro - iClone 3DXChange 5.51 pipeline - Kontakt 5 - Bryce 7 - UU3D Pro - Substance Designer/Painter - Shadermap 3 - PaintShop Photo Pro X7 - Hexagon - Audacity - Gimp 2.8 - Vue 2015 - Reaktor 5 - Guitar Rig 5 - Bitmap2Material 3

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Exactly what I was thinking. But lets go farther, how many programmers out there like to make games but can't make the art? And how many artists want to make video games but can't program...we should find a way to connect programmers and artists :)

Windows 7 Professional 64 bit, 16 gigs ram, 3.30GHz Quad Core, GeForce GTX 460 one gig, Leadwerks 2.5, Blender 2.62, Photoshop CS3, UU3D

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I like doing most things myself but am not outstanding at any of the arts required for game making, I get by both as a programer and artist but don;t have the time to get into things like character buiding or animations( I buy these) and other secialized subjects, so its good when we can share the artwork of others.

amd quad core 4 ghz / geforce 660 ti 2gb / win 10

Blender,gimp,silo2,ac3d,,audacity,Hexagon / using c++

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Will be uploading a free rock model and a tree one of these days. smile.png

Have been working on my western gun model, and a gloved hand/arm. This is how it looks. I'm quite pleased with the result.

Any comments? Thanks.

Going to add a left arm aswell, and figure out how to make them shoot in sequence. Any suggestions on how to do that in Lua?

After that, I'll be concentrating on getting a muzzleflash spritesheet at the tip of the barrel when the player shoots. smile.png




ZBrush 4R7 64-bit - 3DCoat 4.5 BETA 12 - Fl Studio 12 64Bit - LE 3.2 Indie version - Truespace 7 - Blender 2.71 - iClone 5.51 Pro - iClone 3DXChange 5.51 pipeline - Kontakt 5 - Bryce 7 - UU3D Pro - Substance Designer/Painter - Shadermap 3 - PaintShop Photo Pro X7 - Hexagon - Audacity - Gimp 2.8 - Vue 2015 - Reaktor 5 - Guitar Rig 5 - Bitmap2Material 3

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The glove looks like it was dipped in lava smile.png

You mean the red spots? biggrin.png?

They are supposed to look like bloodstains, but they could use an upgrade. biggrin.png

I'll probably add a bit of shine and a bit more bump to the glove aswell.



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ZBrush 4R7 64-bit - 3DCoat 4.5 BETA 12 - Fl Studio 12 64Bit - LE 3.2 Indie version - Truespace 7 - Blender 2.71 - iClone 5.51 Pro - iClone 3DXChange 5.51 pipeline - Kontakt 5 - Bryce 7 - UU3D Pro - Substance Designer/Painter - Shadermap 3 - PaintShop Photo Pro X7 - Hexagon - Audacity - Gimp 2.8 - Vue 2015 - Reaktor 5 - Guitar Rig 5 - Bitmap2Material 3

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Finished a free rock model that I'll be uploading to the asset store tomorrow when I wake up. smile.png

Here a few screenies. The model has 3340 tris, and was made and textured in Sculptris. smile.png







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ZBrush 4R7 64-bit - 3DCoat 4.5 BETA 12 - Fl Studio 12 64Bit - LE 3.2 Indie version - Truespace 7 - Blender 2.71 - iClone 5.51 Pro - iClone 3DXChange 5.51 pipeline - Kontakt 5 - Bryce 7 - UU3D Pro - Substance Designer/Painter - Shadermap 3 - PaintShop Photo Pro X7 - Hexagon - Audacity - Gimp 2.8 - Vue 2015 - Reaktor 5 - Guitar Rig 5 - Bitmap2Material 3

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