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GMF Model format questions


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A few questions:


1.Is it possible to convert GMF to any other model format?

2. How do I take a model in FBX format and apply textures to it according to GMF standards (hard to express). How do I apply .mat textures to them?




It's like JFK announcing the moon mission. He had no expertise in space travel, and no way of knowing if it would work. He just announced "we're going to the moon" and then they made it happen because everyone was on the same page and working towards the same goal. If he had said "well, let's get some people in space, and we'll see how far out we can get, and if I find someone to make a rocket strong enough, we could possibly approach the moon's orbit and maybe land" it wouldn't have happened.
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I have never done so myself but I believe UU3D is capable of doing so.




I forgot about your seconds question.


You need to create a material in material editor and give them the same name as the materials on the model. You can check with the model viewer which names those are.


Also: in before macklebee tells you to move this somewhere else :)








Nah, just kidding, but really, we should keep this stuff out of GD :)

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1.) Yes. I have written a very simple gmf to obj converter, but since the format description is open, you can write any converter. UU3D with the plugin can't do it. The .gmf plugin is export only.

2.) ^^ what Laurens said. Except you don't need to give the .mat files "the same name as the materials on the model" but you need to give them the same name as the diffuse texture file of the materials used by the model.

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  On 12/24/2009 at 12:55 AM, Masterxilo said:

1.) Yes. I have written a very simple gmf to obj converter, but since the format description is open, you can write any converter. UU3D with the plugin can't do it. The .gmf plugin is export only.

2.) ^^ what Laurens said. Except you don't need to give the .mat files "the same name as the materials on the model" but you need to give them the same name as the diffuse texture file of the materials used by the model.



Could you write a small material name changer program for GMF files? Often I'll export to GMF just to realize later that the name of the material it wants is either None or something I would like to change.

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  On 12/24/2009 at 1:13 AM, Niosop said:

Could you write a small material name changer program for GMF files? Often I'll export to GMF just to realize later that the name of the material it wants is either None or something I would like to change.



If you don't mind my asking what are you using to convert to .gmf format?

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  On 12/24/2009 at 9:45 AM, Niosop said:

Just the included convertmesh.exe program



I have alaways found (so far) that what ever I use to convert to .gmf ( that is UU3D or one of the relevant 2GMF.exe's ) that the .mat simply needs to be named after the diffuse texture used. :)

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Yeah, but it has to pull that texture name from somewhere. In my workflow I often don't assign a texture to the source model because I'm going to get it from somewhere else (xnormal or whatever) so the GMF has None as the default material to use. I can always paint it in the Lua script, just would be nice if I wouldn't have to.

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Why would you have a gmf of a model which is not ready yet? You should make the gmf only after you have textured it with xnormal or whatever. But also in the modelling phase you should assign a white dummy texture to the model, so you can test it in the engine while modelling.

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  On 12/24/2009 at 10:34 AM, Niosop said:

Yeah, but it has to pull that texture name from somewhere. In my workflow I often don't assign a texture to the source model because I'm going to get it from somewhere else (xnormal or whatever) so the GMF has None as the default material to use. I can always paint it in the Lua script, just would be nice if I wouldn't have to.



Ok I see, I always assign textures beforehand.

AMD Bulldozer FX-4 Quad Core 4100 Black Edition

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  On 12/24/2009 at 10:45 AM, Lumooja said:

Why would you have a gmf of a model which is not ready yet? You should make the gmf only after you have textured it with xnormal or whatever. But also in the modelling phase you should assign a white dummy texture to the model, so you can test it in the engine while modelling.


Dexsoft Models- Oasis Pack, is screwed up.

It's like JFK announcing the moon mission. He had no expertise in space travel, and no way of knowing if it would work. He just announced "we're going to the moon" and then they made it happen because everyone was on the same page and working towards the same goal. If he had said "well, let's get some people in space, and we'll see how far out we can get, and if I find someone to make a rocket strong enough, we could possibly approach the moon's orbit and maybe land" it wouldn't have happened.
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